PS3 Controller on PC?


Jan 1, 2015
Hi all,

I'm looking for a way to use my DualShock 3 Controller on my PC. After some browsing I ran into three options: MotioninJoy, Better DS3 and SCPServer( Is there anyone out here with experience with any of these options? Want to know if they are safe to use and which one of them you prefer. I heared MotioninJoy isn't that safe and Better DS3 uses the MotioninJoy drivers. How about SCPServer, is that one safe to use?

Do what he says in this video.
It makes your computer recognize your PS3 controller as an xbox controller so you wont run into any issues with controller support. Its how I installed my ps3 controller onto my desktop and I haven't had a single issues with it. No need for a wireless receiver and as far as I can tell no viruses.
you need the motioninjoy drivers. thing is motioninjoy has a trojan. every time you use motioninjoy it takes you to some site. to stop the trojan people use better ds3. i would recommend getting an xbox controller to avoid that altogether. but if you NEED the ps3 controller i would highly recommend using better ds3. as for the scpserver i never used that.

I think this option is the same as my third mentioned option (SCPServer). Good to hear that you have had no issues with it.
Quantum Break - I´m trying to play with my PS3 controller, I´m using motionjoy, and Better DS3, i already tried also ​Xbox360_64Eng tool, nothing works, and i try all configurations possible please does someone have an idea why this doesn´t work, and it´s not recognized? all my other games work
Guys check my video on youtube, it will show you how to map your controller keys to those of the keyboard and mouse. That will trick the game (Quantum Break game) into thinking that you are playing with the keyboard and mouse while in reality you will be using your favorite Joystick (PS3 Dualshock Controller, xbox360 Controller, etc.). Link to the video is:

If you don't trust youtube links then just go to youtube and on the search bar type the following: Jumbo Tech, then press enter. On the results press Jumbo Tech and once you are in Jumbo Tech's Channel, you will see the Video on how to play Quantum Break with a PS3 Controller on a PC. It's under the Games Tutorial Playlist.

Guys check my video on youtube, it will show you how to map your controller keys to those of the keyboard and mouse. That will trick the game (Quantum Break game) into thinking that you are playing with the keyboard and mouse while in reality you will be using your favorite Joystick (PS3 Dualshock Controller, xbox360 Controller, etc.). Link to the video is:

If you don't trust youtube links then just go to youtube and on the search bar type the following: Jumbo Tech, then press enter. On the results press Jumbo Tech and once you are in Jumbo Tech's Channel, you will see the Video on how to play Quantum Break with a PS3 Controller on a PC. It's under the Games Tutorial Playlist.

Oh how ironic. 3/4 days ago you didn't want to click on my Youtube links because you thought they were risky, now you provide your own Youtube links expecting us to click on them. IRONIC.