So im just tired of my old potato pc's Removed so im thinking to buy an ps3... but one thing i heard that playstation games need updates after a months :/ i only gets 1.50 gb data a day so is this true?
That depends on the game, impossible to give you an accurate answer. Something like GTA V could need far more than 1.5gb to update to the latest version.
MERGED QUESTION Question from rdjisthebest : "Ps3 or pc?"
Yep its me again i know a lot of you guys know me already right? The stupid guy who had created 30 threads in 1 week... well if you have followed any of my thread you know know all are about how trash my pc is and gaming on it is worse. So for a pc i have to spend more then 30,000 rupees but im thinking to buy an ps3 now. Do you think its better? I only need answer for these few questions
1(who lasts longer? A pc or a ps3?
2(does ps3 have lag/low fps issues?
3(is there game requirements in ps3?
4(is ps3 offline?
5(does ps3 gets slowers by years? How many years a ps3 works? At smooth fps
Thats it thank you in advance
(Sorry for bad english)
MERGED QUESTION Question from rdjisthebest : "Ps3 works in pc moniter?"
rdjisthebest :
Thinking to buy an ps3 but it ps3 connects to T.V. right? Well i dont have an extra tv for ps3 but can i can connect ps3 to pc moniter? If so then how?
ThatVietGuy :
As long as your monitor has an HDMI port and speakers you can use it for your PS3. Just plug the PS3 in like you would with a TV.