PS3 Turns On But Nothing Happens


Oct 22, 2012
So I have a PS3 CECH-3001A, and I JUST got it. It turned on fine, but it asked that it detected an HDMI connection. Since I didn't have the controller, I just shut it down. But when I tried to turn it on again, it turned on, but wouldn't output any video. I tried resetting video settings by holding the power button for 5 seconds and hearing two beeps, but it JUST wouldn't work. I would hold it down for over 5 seconds, but no second beep. I keep holding it, and after 10 seconds it beeps and shuts down. I tried to enable Recovery Mode, but nothing would happen. So resetting the video settings wouldn't work. And something REALLY weird I just noticed is that the power button won't even function after I turn it on! I press it once to turn it off, but it won't work. After I hold it for about 10 seconds, then it would shut down. Please, I don't know what's going on, help me.

Yes, I've looked it up. But this is no longer relevant since I returned it and am getting another PS3. According to FedEx it should come in tomorrow. Let's see how it goes.
ok. ive never heard of that problem before. ive had something similer with mine and it was just not on the right setting, as of learning after going to gamestop. what happened was we were switching the PS3 from HDMI output to a projecter that had no HDMI output, so we reconected it to HDMI and put in the right settings then hooked it up to the projector.