PS4 Harddrive swap


Jan 5, 2015
here is the situation i had bought the first gen PS4 and replaced the harddrive with a 2TB harddrive it origionaly came with a 500GB and last week my sisters dog pissed on it the harddrive seems to be ok so i am going to get the new PS4 Pro and my question is when i have that new PS4 console if i just directly swap out the harddrives from the first gen ps4 to the ps4 pro will it function just as it did on my old ps4 or do i need to transfer it and back everything up? basicly i just want to swap out the harddrives with all my origional data from my origional ps4 console to my new ps4
Unfortunately, every time a PS4 gets a new hard drive, it will need to do a re-initialization. It sucks, because I am getting the Pro, and going to put my 2TB hard drive in it, and I will have to download everything again. Back up stuff to a hard drive, or save stuff to PS Plus cloud.
also the only thing that was really effected by the dog urine was the cd-rom drive if it is still fuctioning other wise is there a feature to transfer all of the data so that the software on the ps4 pro is exactly identical to the software on the origional ps4?

Yes. If you can, try to deactive your current PS4. So when you are getting your new PS4, you can activate that one. When sign into the PSN, you can visit the library and download everything again. I usually do this overnight, so when I get home from work, everything should be done. Also recommend a hardline connection since this could take a while.

anything you purchased off of PSN or any codes you redeemed for content is safe. you would just have to download it again. the only concern would be game saves

ok that is great news i was afraid id have to buy a new 2TB hardrive and was unsure if i could keep everything and i have a extarnal 2TB usb harddrive and hopfully everything will fit but sense i can just redownload all of the games and such i am fairly confident that it will all fit but i think you were telling me to do it differently id prefer to do it two different ways just to be safe could i trasfer it to my desktop via ethernet and directly to the harddrive i mentioned?