Ps4 slim or ps4 pro or wait for ps5 ?

The new console will have much less library in the first year.
The older console should more to library offer for time being.
The question is more, what are you going to play?

If you decided to get a console now, it is better to get PS4 pro.
If you wanna wait (not playing at all), then wait for PS5.
I have a gaming Pc i mostly play online multiplayer games like six siege bf1 pubg fortnite . I am just buying ps4 for exclusive games like the last of us uncharted GOW and mamy other good exclusives. I will not do any VR gaming and i have 1080p Tv .i want to know suppose ps5 will launch after 1 year or 18 months will i able to play ps5 titles on ps4 slim ? Or ps4 pro will get the ps5 title to run by Sony.
PS5 will be backward compatible. So anything you can play on the PS4 will play on the PS5. Microsoft made the huge mistake of not making games backward compatible and paid a hefty price while Sony played that up and drew market share.

most likely not.
the drive to run game BDs is different to UHD bd's, one reason why ps4 cant run 4k BD movies ,
i dont see them keeping the older type from ps4, which would also limit capacity for games.

if they go with planned cpu/gpu setup maybe end of 2019, but i think they might update parts since we had huge gains
when it comes to processing power, so ps5 might not happen before 2021.