PS4 VR impossible?

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Nov 5, 2013
To begin with ,I know this is probably not the best thread for me to post this in but there is no VR thread yet and I will be mostly talking GPUs so...
Anyway, we have the specs for the Oculus Rift and they are pretty damn high. But not really. I mean a 970 /290 can hardly ultra everything in 1080p while maintaining a smooth 60fps so I guess its only reasonable that the specs are this high. And in a couple of years I thinks its quite likely that the recommended specs jump to a higj end polaris/pascal. Thats nice and all, but how the crap is a ps4 going to handle VR? With a pretty weak CPU and a HD 7870 its just not possible that they can pull off a smooth 120 fps , rendered twice , once for each eye, regardless of how much reprojection they use. Seriously , am I missing something?
I can only speculate but I believe the PS4 is going to struggle with VR in its current state.

Developers might sacrifice resolution and detail for the higher frame rates, it will definitely be interesting to see how Sony are going to pull it off.
I don't think it will be as good of an experience as a high end PC but the Playstation VR comes with an external processing box that sits between the PS4 and the VR helmet. This is supposed to give it some extra power to help it handle VR.

The first hand experiences I have heard on podcasts from people who tried the Playstation VR at events are always positive. Again, I don't think it will stack up against an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive paired with a high end PC but it sounds like it's still a pretty good experience.
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