Of course, you are likely to get a biased response to this question, seeing as the vast majority of this website's community are PC based. Being one myself, I would also say that PC is the way forward, and it is far greater than any console can ever be. However, it really does depend on what you want to do. With a PC, you're getting a much better visual experience, obviously because of the advanced graphics that a PC can support that a console can't. The library of games for PC is far far larger, and often, the PC gaming community is more mature and intelligent that the millions of squeeky 11 year olds that run Xbox Live and PSN. Also, socialising is much easier, as services such as skype, facebook, etc, are far easier to operate on a PC than on a console. It's true that voice commands that consoles offer could perform some tasks quicker, but that's still not as fast as a PC, which can make the whole operation of calling someone, instantaneous (PC's have also had voice command support for years). Therefore, a PC is much more multifunctional, ease of access is simpler and more efficient.
However, as a recent migrant from Xbox to PC, I can understand the appeal of consoles. They tend to be cheaper, although you can still get a decent gaming PC for $500. Some exclusives are pretty cool too, such as GTA 5 (although it isn't available on the next gen platforms......yet) and some would argue that a consoles controller is much better than a keyboard and mouse. But then again, it depends on the keyboard and mouse, a $150+ razer keyboard will easily out perform any console controller. It really depends on what you're comfortable with, but please don't let that affect your final decision, once you have learned how to properly game with a keyboard and mouse, you will have a much more fun time.
Going back to hardware, don't forget that you can always upgrade in the future, and even if you don't want to, a PC's computer parts can last just as long as a consoles, and still give better performance. Triple monitors are pretty cool too. If price is an issue, then just build a budget build, and see how it still blows consoles out of the water (also, you don't have to pay for extra things, such as Steam name changes, there is no fee for Steam, unlike PSN (on PS4) and Xbox Live. The steam summer sales make every game virtually free, as if PC games aren't cheap enough already!
To conclude, I think it's pretty obvious that PC is better, for me it's their sheer power that offers the graphics that make me feel truly immersed. I think that if you are really serious (or even just amature) a PC is the way forward. Good luck choosing, just don't make a stupid choice!