Ps4 vs Xbox One Decision


Jun 2, 2014
Hello! I currently have a ps4, but I'm not really satisfied with it. I play my fill of games and have a great deal of fun. However, everything about the ps4 has been bothering me lately. For instance, the menu seems sterile and boring - just really depressing. Games for the ps4 never seem to drop in price either. FC4 and Dragon Age have literally stayed $40 for the past 5 months. So, Should I get the Xbox one? I know the ps4 plays natively at 1080p, while the xbox one varies. However, even with the ps4's advantage, games on the xbox one look better, like GTA V. Is this color correction or what? Games also seem to be cheaper. I have friends on both consoles though. So, should I keep the ps4 or get an xbox one? Why? Thank you! This has been pressing on my mind.

Ah, I see. Well in any case Xbox One will be a downgrade overall, you're better off with the PS4.
i have both XBOX collecting dust sense i bought it i havent turend it on after titan fall and i wont turn it on agine until quantom brake is here

it is a bad console with a under clocked 7770 inside it entry lvl GPU

PS4 in the other hand has a underlcocked 7870 Mid range GPU that can Actually run things at 1080P lol has 8GB of GDDR5 RAM

also xboner games cant be better than Playstation 4
PS4 actually is slightly better than the xbox one hardware wise. Frankly I'd say you're wasting your money as the Xbox One isn't going to be better than a PS4. If you want cheaper games and better looking games, save up your money and get a desktop computer, or build your own for cheaper. I have an Xbox One, and while games do look good on it; they look better on PS4, and even better on PC.

Yeah, I tried pressing for a gaming pc, but I have another year until I'm legally an adult. My parents are both apple fans so they purchase me apple computers. They just don't trust a windows based pc...

I already have a plethora of computers (mac mini, macbook air, and etc which adds up to about $2000) - my parents also want a console for playing music during parties, displaying slideshows, and uses besides gaming. However, I have a job and am currently saving up for a strict budget build!

Ah, I see. Well in any case Xbox One will be a downgrade overall, you're better off with the PS4.
Hardware-wise, the PS4 does a slight edge with some games, but they are generally pretty close.

It all comes down to what (if any) specific games you want.

I've had the xbx 1 & 2 mainly for Halo and Forza. Ended up with a PS3 when they were really cheap. I have neither of the current gen as I have little time to play, but I'd probably get an xbx again for Halo and Forza.

Other differences are minor, but I really hate the PS controller. It's made for tiny little Japanese girl hands. I have man hands. Bring back the original xbx 1 beast I can actually hold on to.

The Ps4 controller is actually surprisingly large. The Xbox one and ps4 controller are kind of a tie for me! :)