psu 650W CorsairVS


Jun 25, 2014
Is this psu any good? I couldnt find anywher that it is certified 80+. And also are power supplies futureproof? If for example thhey make a 30 pin board can you just buy a new cable or do you have to buy ne psu?

Yes i own it since 2 months ppl talked shite bout it but i find it very good its going well with my 770 it ain't overheating but if you're planing some heavy gpu and cpu and more than 5 fans get a better one!
It's not a great PSU; It uses bad capacitors that might cause heat issues and lead to an early death for the PSU in the future. Try looking for an XFX, Seasonic, or Corsair (TX, HX, and AX units only) PSU, one of those would be much better than the Corsair VS 650W.
i use the vs450,yes it's low priced and everybody says shit bout it.but if it works it works! here's a detail review,models same but lower wattage then yours

Quoting that review:
Some of the secondary side capacitors are made by Aishi, but most are from CapXon – a brand renowned for poor quality capacitors. Even in an entry level product, it surprises me that Corsair would be brave enough to use them, as I have had to fix plenty of devices with failed CapXon capacitors which weren’t very old. Even Teapo and OST capacitors are generally considered to be more reliable than CapXon.

Well i got my 3 year guarantiee so am ok 😀 I still don't notice heat issues with it

Yeah, it depends on the user and the PSU. You might have a good experience with it and someone else might not, that's why I try to recommend quality units, since very few people actually have bad experiences with XFX/Seasonic (etc) PSUs.
I have a budget thats why i was looking at this corsait psu and also i heard that corsair makes very good psu units. i wont be doing any overclocking or something like that. is this psu 80+ certified?

Corsair doesn't make their own units, that's why some of them are crappy and others are not.

No, that PSU is not 80+ certified and I wouldn't recommend it. What is your budget (in your local currency), what are the rest of your specs, and where do you wish to buy from?
I would like to build my first pc. I my specs would be fx6300, 7790 radeon, mobo i dont know jet, 8gigs of g skill ddr3 ram, Cooler Master RC-K380 case,wd blue 500gb of storage,dvd unit. my budget is around 500 euros. i will buy the components of my local store becouse we dont have acces to amazon or newegg.

It's been working fine (I've had it 8 months), but some of the cables are pretty short which makes cable management impossible without buying extenders (and buying extenders ruins the economy of buying a cheap PSU). I bought it and I'm using it but if I had my time again I'd buy something modular or with longer cables, and with 80 plus certification.

And the 'cheap capacitors' thing - well the current version of the VS450 is pretty new to market (<18 months) so there aren't a lot of failure reports yet. Time will tell on this one.