You see, I bought a HP pavillion 500-368na about 6 months ago, and being the pc novice I was, bought a pre-built, instead of building one my self. As you can see in my desktop specs, it had an i7 processor, 8GB of Ram, a really poor nvidia geforce gt 705 (1gb ddr3 vram), and a very odd and weak power supply of only 180 watts. Well, I am going to upgrade it, by installing a new power supply, corsair cx430, 430 watt psu, and a new gpu, EVGA gtx 750 1GB ddr5. My problem is that, I already know that the fans for both my psu and gpu are both intake, and exhaust on the outside, but the intake fans for the gpu and psu are facing each other, at about 2-2.5 inches apart. Will this be a problem? Also, is my gpu and psu well good components????