PSU cables Touching GPU heat sink ?!?!


Nov 12, 2014
Hey so over the past few months i bought a new graphics card(GTX 960 4G) and i cant install it in my computer everytime i try to do it the psu cable touches the heatsink on the gpu

is there any fast solutions for this cause i really really really in need of help right now

I thought of grabbing an extension but i have to order a new one from amazon and i dont have time for that


the area around the video card is OK, its not pretty but it works.

I am a little concerned about the area above the CPU fan. if you can maybe tie the PSU...

in general, cables touching the hatsink is not a big deal. provide a picture so we can help you better.

Alright i will do it once i get back home
Keep in mind this is an old case so its a bit dusty

the area around the video card is OK, its not pretty but it works.

I am a little concerned about the area above the CPU fan. if you can maybe tie the PSU cable to something so its secure and away from the CPU fan, or push the cable under that plastic heat sink edge that is right under the cable now.

so here what i did i unscrewed the psu and screwed it above the mother board away from the gpu and now i can simply plug it in with out any problems and i also tied some cables and placed some zip ties around them thanks ilysm ive been having this problem for ages