Hey guys, I don't know much at all about PSU's and just wanted to make sure this is compatible with my system before I purchase.
Here is the PSU I am looking at purchasing (Rosewill Capstone G750W) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817182358&cm_re=Rosewill_Capstone-G750-_-17-182-358-_-Product
Current Specs:
CPU: i7 4770k
GPU: Geforce 750 TI
Also, I am planning on upgrading to a 970 GTX in a couple of months and want to make sure its compatible with that as well. Thanks!
Here is the PSU I am looking at purchasing (Rosewill Capstone G750W) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817182358&cm_re=Rosewill_Capstone-G750-_-17-182-358-_-Product
Current Specs:
CPU: i7 4770k
GPU: Geforce 750 TI
Also, I am planning on upgrading to a 970 GTX in a couple of months and want to make sure its compatible with that as well. Thanks!