PSU difference?


Oct 25, 2012
Hello, I was meant to be getting this PSU from scan but they were out of it.

So I bought it from amazon instead, however, I ordered this below thinking it was the same as above.

but now it has come to my attention that it may not be the same as the manufacture code is different.

Can anyone tell me if they are the same or not and if the one I actually got is as good as the one from scan?

any help appreciated
No, semi-modular is generally consider better (and is usually more expensive). It simply means that unused power cables can be unplugged from the PSU making your cable management easier.
The NLB9 is also a Core edition (wired), they are effectively the same PSU.

There are two semi-modular versions, their serial numbers should start P1-650X or SPS-650W.