PSU for 7850

Bryant Gutierrez

May 18, 2013
Is a 430w psu enough for a 7850? I know the card recommends 500w but im trying to save some money. Not much is connected to my current psu (300w) Just motherboard, dvd drive, and 1 hdd.
Hi - yes the cx430 will power that system. 500w is recommended, but the cx430 has
more than enough +12v rail amperage, which is the important power spec, as your CPU
& GPU draw their power from the +12v rail(s).


What if i chose to OC the card? would i need to go for a 500w?

What if i chose to OC the card? would i need to go for a 500w?[/quotemsg]

You can OC also with the cx430, you need 21a on the +12v rail(s) without OC,
so with OC you should need no more than 25-27a, the cx430 has 32 +12v rail amps.