Hey all,
I am going to be fitting a Radeon 7550 into my Hp P7-1234 desktop, i know that the PSU on board has enough power to let me install it no problem. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Asus+-+Radeon+HD+7750+Graphic+Card+-+820+MHz+Core+-+1+GB+GDDR5+SDRAM+-+PCI+Express+3.0/5717131.p?id=1218686510091&skuId=5717131
I need a couple of suggestions for a PSU, which i will be getting either the same day i get the video card, or at the very least a month later.
I am going to be fitting a Radeon 7550 into my Hp P7-1234 desktop, i know that the PSU on board has enough power to let me install it no problem. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Asus+-+Radeon+HD+7750+Graphic+Card+-+820+MHz+Core+-+1+GB+GDDR5+SDRAM+-+PCI+Express+3.0/5717131.p?id=1218686510091&skuId=5717131
I need a couple of suggestions for a PSU, which i will be getting either the same day i get the video card, or at the very least a month later.