Hey guys i have build a low end used pc
Cpu i3 530
Gpu hd 7770 1 gb
Ram 8 gb
Mobo dh55tc
Psu :: need to buy one
So..guys i habe got all this component but dont have a psu soo i need a psu unde 3000
And guys i also need like 100 to 150 amount of room space in my psu as to avoid heating prob
If i overclock in future
And i have studied on psu a bit so i wanna know that whT is 12v rail, what is rail ? What is volt etc etc ! Plz guys let me kow all this stuff ! Thatll be really helpful for me ! THX ALOT ! PLZ PLZ THANK YOU! :,))ey guys i have build a used low end used pc
Cpu i3 530
Gpu hd 7770 1 gb
Ram 8 gb
Mobo dh55tc
Psu :: need to buy one
So..guys i habe got from my friend and paid 10,000 for all this component but dont have a psu soo i need a psu under 3000
And guys i also need like 100w to 150w amount of room space in my psu as to avoid heating prob
If i overclock in future
And i have studied on psu a bit so i wanna know that whT is 12v rail, what is rail ? What is volt etc etc ! Plz guys let me kow all this stuff ! Thatll be really helpful for me ! THX ALOT ! PLZ PLZ THANK YOU! :,))
Cpu i3 530
Gpu hd 7770 1 gb
Ram 8 gb
Mobo dh55tc
Psu :: need to buy one
So..guys i habe got all this component but dont have a psu soo i need a psu unde 3000
And guys i also need like 100 to 150 amount of room space in my psu as to avoid heating prob
If i overclock in future
And i have studied on psu a bit so i wanna know that whT is 12v rail, what is rail ? What is volt etc etc ! Plz guys let me kow all this stuff ! Thatll be really helpful for me ! THX ALOT ! PLZ PLZ THANK YOU! :,))ey guys i have build a used low end used pc
Cpu i3 530
Gpu hd 7770 1 gb
Ram 8 gb
Mobo dh55tc
Psu :: need to buy one
So..guys i habe got from my friend and paid 10,000 for all this component but dont have a psu soo i need a psu under 3000
And guys i also need like 100w to 150w amount of room space in my psu as to avoid heating prob
If i overclock in future
And i have studied on psu a bit so i wanna know that whT is 12v rail, what is rail ? What is volt etc etc ! Plz guys let me kow all this stuff ! Thatll be really helpful for me ! THX ALOT ! PLZ PLZ THANK YOU! :,))