PSU making a weird buzzing noise, should i be worried?

The Conjurer

Jul 27, 2012
So,my psu has been making this weird buzzing noise for at least a month and a half...
I'm worried it might fail and damage the rest of my components. What should i do?
My system specs:
gigabyte r9 270x
8gb ram
And my psu is a Cooler Master 500w which i got with this case
So, do i have to replace it? Could it have already caused some damage? I havent been having issues such as crashes,errors...But i think I've been having some stutter issues in hd videos on youtube and stuff like that...
Well, it wasnt always like that, that's why I'm worried...I've had it for a year and a half, the only difference is i replaced my hd 7850 with a r9 270x (RMA) 3 months ago ,and like a month and a half ago this started happening...
All in all, I think I'm obsessed with hearing noises coming from my pc, i keep thinking something's wrong...