PC won't turn on after power outage. I did the paper clip test on PSU, fan spin when the PSU pins are shorted. Also did the power switch test by shorting the pins of the switch with screwdriver, no response. So I thought MB was toasted. Found a same MB with CPU and RAM on ebay, just dropped it in but still won't turn on
I have read that paper clip test doesn't 100% guarantee the PSU is working. I'm thinking getting a new PSU to test it. What do you guys think I should do next? The power switch looks pretty hard to get to, I'm hoping it is not the switch went bad... Also I'm thinking given that the failure happened after power outage, I'd think it should either be the PSU or the MB? Trying a new PSU is probably the best bet?
I have read that paper clip test doesn't 100% guarantee the PSU is working. I'm thinking getting a new PSU to test it. What do you guys think I should do next? The power switch looks pretty hard to get to, I'm hoping it is not the switch went bad... Also I'm thinking given that the failure happened after power outage, I'd think it should either be the PSU or the MB? Trying a new PSU is probably the best bet?