PSU or GPU Faulty?


Mar 10, 2015
Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3Ghz (not overclocked)
Sapphire HD 7770 Ghz OC edition [New]
Corsair VS450 PSU [4 months Old]
2 x 4gb ddr3 ram
Gigabyte GA G41m combo mobo [Replaced recently with warranty]

Well i narrowed down my fault find in my system, the issue was reboots during Ingame / stress testing GPU, and during stress testing GPU + CPU. Checked all components and Im guessing its either GPU or PSU, so i need u guys to help me in finalizing in whats faulty..
So what i found out was :
1. when i tried my old GPU with overclocked core clock 690 mem 653, i didnt get any reboot during stress testing GPU/ GPU + CPU.
2. when i tried to stress test my new gpu with stock clocks core 1000 mem 1250, i got reboots during GPU stress test after a few seconds/minutes and direct reboot when tried to stress test GPU + CPU
3. So i underclocked my Hd 7770 to a random 800-900 core and 900-1000 memory and it still rebooted during the tests but sometimes directly and sometimes randomly
4. Next i tried to underclock Hd 7770 to core 690 and mem 653( as my old HD5450 clocks) along with -8% power control. With these clocks i didnt get reboots during the stress tests of GPU / GPU + CPU ,they went for a long time without any reboots...
5. BUT with my HD 5450 on these clocks Assassins creed 4 lagged like hell (Below 20 fps always) and i couldnt play on max Resolution whereas here with new GPU with underclocked clocks 690 and 653 I'm getting almost same FPS as stock clocks of hd7770. its Playable with like 30-60fps, cant make out the difference between these clock changes,maybe a little fps drop but thats still a million times better than my hd 5450. Ingame with these lowered clocks on hd7770 i think GPU is 80%+ load most of the timebut I dont remember the load on GPU during stock clocks (i think lower) and cant find out too..due to reboots
6.Temps are always fine ranging from 30-60 for both CPU and GPU

So with that being said what do you think is the problem???
Another problem is that when theres a power cut my UPS gives backup but Pc reboots and theres a loop of reboots in 8 mins each until Power is back...
I suspect the UPS bcoz its new and not well known but,
******Can it be a Faulty PSU ? It cant take enough power from my UPS ? Or its not faulty ,but can't give enough power to handle my full system??..with power as well as during power cut???******
Is it a Faulty GPU that i just received?? Changing clocks doesn't change performance? Defective overclocked edition? Can anyone explain why there is no noticeable performance change from stock clocks to lowered clocks? and why is the performance of hd7770 on clocks of hd5450 10 times better and playable? [hd 5450 not playable]
Or is it just that my PSU cant handle higher clocks of my GPU? :/ Which service center should i visit, sapphire or corsair?

Please Reply and Help me _/\_
I think I would take the UPS out of the loop, and test again and see if the same thing happens.

If it does, I suspect your power supply. Unfortunately, it appears that all of the lower capacity Corsair power supplies were made with cheap parts. Some last longer than others, but we keep seeing people coming for help with these 450 to 750 watt units long before they should be having problems.

Then I notice that Corsair shows a 80+ line in their specs... It says "White"... I have no idea what White is. Thats strange...

Next, I looked at the amount of power the unit can supply on the +12 volt rail. This is important because a high quality power supply is going to be...
I think I would take the UPS out of the loop, and test again and see if the same thing happens.

If it does, I suspect your power supply. Unfortunately, it appears that all of the lower capacity Corsair power supplies were made with cheap parts. Some last longer than others, but we keep seeing people coming for help with these 450 to 750 watt units long before they should be having problems.

Then I notice that Corsair shows a 80+ line in their specs... It says "White"... I have no idea what White is. Thats strange...

Next, I looked at the amount of power the unit can supply on the +12 volt rail. This is important because a high quality power supply is going to be able to provide nearly all of its stated wattage on that rail. The Corsair VS shows 408 watts. Hmmm... thats not nearly all...

So I went to see what Seasonic does. I know they make amazing power supplies, and I want to see what they can do with a 450 watt unit.


444 watts vs Corsairs 408 watts. Right there is the most likely reason your system is rebooting. The Corsair VS is not putting out enough volts on the +12 volt rail. Its missing 36 watts.

And remember that Corsair shows a 80+ line that says "White"... Now look at the one Seasonic lists. That looks exactly like what it should be. I have a funny feeling "White" is not a valid 80+... In any case, here are the valid 80+ certifications...


Remember now that replacing the unit under warranty with another of the same model of power supply is going to just get you another power supply that will only put out 408 watts on the +12 volt rail.

You are going to need to move up the food chain to get a better quality power supply if you want to get the power your system needs to keep things going smoothly.
I tried removing the UPS and connecting it to the wall outlet, problem still persists. But can't check the power outage problem yet..will try to do that tomorrow..
Well thanks for the explanation , u have almost convinced me that my power supply is inadequate..but the thing is some forums here and experts say that my PSU should handle it with ease + there are reviews on youtube with the same GPU and PSU and better can check out the toms forums itself..most of them say it can handle with ease, even an hd 7850...sorry for doubting, the 12v rail thing got me but i need to know if the symptoms i stated are bcoz of a faulty psu or not..bcoz when i get a new one i dont want this old PSU to be lying wasted...I could give it to my friend or sell it....
Well the Seasonic Psu u showed isnt available here...theres only Seasonic S12II 520W , 520W modular ,620W which are all tier II PSU's, thinking of getting the 620W one, thats ok??? all are 80+ bronze certified..what does that mean though?? am i only gonna get 82% of 620W on 100% load??
Sorry again for all the quests...ur 80+ white comments made me laugh 😛 thanks for the reply :)
Yes, all of the Seasonics are really good power supplies. Its what I have in my system. And the 620 is a good choice for you. It will give you the capacity to upgrade things in the future if you choose to do so.

On the power supply, I really wish I could have had better news for you on that. But now that I have made you aware of the potential problems with it, think about it. And if you agree with me, then get the Seasonic, and see how things change.
I got the ups checked and it's not causing the auto reboot after power outage... It's probably the PSU, it's probably defective as it reboots during power cut even when I use my Old gpu hd 5450..So I looked up the corsair service center and after finally finding it they say that they only sell products and the service center is out of state, which I can't go whatsoever unless I get a vacation or Smth -_-
Today ill try to go to a good computer shop and see if they can send it to the service center for me..or get it repaired..
About the new PSU, I messaged the Amazon seller of the S12II 620W psu and asked him if I'll get a full refund for a return if I just check the PSU... He says if I open the box and use it then it's termed as used and I wont get the full refund, so I'm scared about that bcoz first only the psu is out of my budget and then the money problem will just put me in a bad state if the new psu doesn't fix the problem..and also there's no one who can lend me a good psu like mine to test...i still doubt if it's the under efficiency
Read too many positive posts here about it during these days...some say my new gpu needs 20A min on the 12v rail and corsair shows 35A
Will try to get a VIP400w psu from the ups dealer he said he could lend me one... It had 20A on the 12v rail and also its a good old company, best among the old
Any other way I can troubleshoot my problem?
Also one more ques, I read about PSU's alot today and, they say if I get a [example] 620W psu for a system which needs 350W only, my psu will give 620 but some low efficiency and take more power from my outlet therefore increasing the power bill.. Is this true?? If so will a S12II 520W PSU (tier 2) be better in this case? And will it leave enough headroom for overclocking/CPU & mobo upgrade? Or should I Chuck that and go for the 620W psu now when Im finally out of options..
Just 4 months passed for the corsair vs450 and it's broken cant believe this is happening after investing in corsair!!