PSU powers up for no reason.


Jun 1, 2015
To start things off, my computer crashed randomly while playing a video game. The computer booted back up and then after a minute or two, the display went out. So, I turned off the computer(hard shutdown, turned off PSU switch) and removed the PCI plugs and put them back in. After turning my PSU back on, the all my fans, including the PSU fan, start to spin off and on again and GPU lights start to flicker. Is it possible that my PSU is bad and not supplying enough power? I have a 750 watt one so I doubt its my specs.
What is the exact brand and model number of your current PSU? It should be listed on the specifications label somewhere on the power supply. It may be on the hidden side, so you might have to remove the four screws holding it to the back of the case and turn it to gain access to the label.
Then I'd RMA the power supply. It's highly doubtful to be anything other than that. You might try disconnecting all drives, removing all but one stick of ram and disconnecting all external usb devices, and see if it still does it or if it allows the system to remain on. If not, switch memory modules out and try again. IF it still doesn't, RMA the PSU.

It's possible it could be a motherboard or CPU issue, but the chances of it are far, far less likely than it being the power supply. If however you've had thermal issues or a lack of sufficient cooling for the cpu and gpu, then one of them could have been damaged. Without knowing these potential issues, it's hard for us to say.
Yeah the motherboard is new and this problem happened once with an older motherboard as well. I Wii replace the PSU tomorrow and see what happens. Thank you very much for your help.