PSU Problem! (GTX 1060 + Ryzen Build)


Nov 18, 2016
Hello everyone,

I am planning to build a new PC with the following specs:

Ryzen 5 1500X (65w)
Asus b350m mobo
GTX 1060(120w)

so, I was first buying the Corsair vs450 but then I thought that I shouldn't cheap out and was thinking to buy the vs550 (Cheap PSUs because I am on a yoga-pants tight budget). But then I came to know that it had only 18 amps on the 12v rail. And the GTX 1060 required 20 amps on the 12v rail and 400w PSU. I know I am a real noob about electricity & thing like that but noob question:

Are 550 watts and 18 amps better than 400w and 20 amps and can I run the 1060 on any of these 2 PSUs?

If not, Please could anyone help me choosing the right PSU?

The VP550 is much better than a cx mate.
Not incredibly impressive on efficiency etc but its a delta manufactured unit & is hands down better quality.

The s12 430 is a good quality psu but on a personal level I dont like it,a 360w 12v on a 430w psu to me is unsatisfactory,it should be labelled as a 400w max...
i wouldn't use a VS PSU with a R5 1500X and a GTX 1060, these PSUs are just not meant to be in a gaming PC, you will be better served by a better PSU like the seasonic S12II-520 or a corsair CX650m. the wattage is not the only thing you should take into consideration while buying the PSU, quality matters too.

amps should be a priority over watts. in my opinion, a 400W PSU with 20 amps will be better.
Amps x voltage = wattage. E.g 18 amps x 12v (which is mainly what the GFX card uses) = 216W.
That said, the manufacturer will normally select their 'required wattage' based on worst case scenearios.
I doubt the PSU only has 18amps on the combined/max 12v rail. If so I doubt you'd be gaming reliably on that PSU.
Those specifications on your system will likely use ~250w under load.

I just found out that the vs450 has 34 amps on the 12v rail, so would it be enough?
I also use mdcomputers :)
And does the seasonic psu have sleeved cables?
Because the vs450 is around half the price.

What location are you in?

Depends on the model if the psu has sleeved cables.
I am in India.

And here, most people use chinese knock-off PSUs. So I was thinking to buy a "Good Brand" PSU. If anyone could suggest me a PSU >= ~60$?
Thanks in advance ! :)

The VP550 is much better than a cx mate.
Not incredibly impressive on efficiency etc but its a delta manufactured unit & is hands down better quality.

The s12 430 is a good quality psu but on a personal level I dont like it,a 360w 12v on a 430w psu to me is unsatisfactory,it should be labelled as a 400w max.

fsp manufactured unit,ok quality ,nothing spectacular,very overpowered for your needs but cheap & reliable - you could do worse .

So guys, tell me is the Antec VP550P reliable because it has many good reviews? Or would the VP450P be enough? Also, please consider the VP500PC It is 5$ expensive than the 450w VP450P but that seems too good to be true to me.
And thanks to all you for so many answers!

Its a delta so its definitely reliable.
Its a 2011 model psu though so stock will be limited,the newer model the vp550f is hands down better again ( better than the seasonic s12's too imo) but is substantially more expensive.

Read the edit of the last reply by me please. And I think that the vp550p will be out of stock forever.


The 450p & 500p are completely different models mate - theyre about the same quality as a corsair vs.
The vp600p is a FSP model & is better quality.
If youre going with an antec spend a little extra on the 600p - not for the wattage but just beacuse its a better made psu.
If it requires 20 amps then you need at least 20 amps no matter how many watts the ps is. The wattage of the ps tell you the total amount of draw potential available. However you have to pay attention to the +12v rail. A higher wattage ps can have less amperage to give on the 12v rail than one with a lower wattage. You should calculate the total wattage needed by you PC components and then find a high enough wattage ps. Then look at the +12v rail to see if it has enough for your vid card.