psu replaced with a seasonic 100W

codename panzers

Nov 8, 2013
I replaced my psu with a seasonic 1000w platinum
when i booted my system it booted normally en after a 2 to 4 min its shuts down
what i hear is a big coil whine i already strip extra power consuming like lit keyboard en hard drives
have anybody en idea what the issue can be

A 1000W psu should support 2 or 3 graphics cards

What graphics card do you have?
Why did you replace the previous psu?
What rating was old psu ?

It is possible but very rare for a faulty motherboard to kill a psu

Is shutdown due to cpu overheating possibly due to fan failure or heat sink not clamped down correctly?
Or psu failure ?

Mike barnes


My cpu is a hd 7990 wc
my old psu is a tpq 850 w 80 bronze
mij cpu is not overheating because i have a waterblock on it en yesterday there was no issue

My cpu i a f x8150 3.6 ghz
mombo asus crosshair V formula
16gb ddr3 1600mhz corsair ram

it is also possible that at idle the system is not pulling enough power and the psu is getting underpower problems. psu's are rated for efficiency at a minimum of 25% and up 250w minimum in other words for the psu to be happy.

at idle you are not pulling this much and the psu may be simply stalling out. think about trying to drive a 1200 hp bugati veyron at 20 mph. poor engine would just stall out wondering WTH was going on at such low speeds.

My system is idle pulling 300w en at full load 550 w