PSU shorting out with SATA plug in.


May 30, 2017
So I am just setting up the basics on this PC build to try and get passed this problem. I get the MOBO and CPU all hooked up, fans plugged in, and it powers just fine with no issues. The moment I plug in a SATA power cable, the PSU shorts out and everything powers down. its a 750W PSU so can definitely handle the minimum amount of components that are plugged into it. There's nothing plugged into the SATA power cable when I plug it into the PSU. I have tried all four plug ins for SATA/peripherals/IDE, and I get the same results.

Here is the list of my build, pcpartpicker says its all compatible. So I am at a loss for why this is happening.
Wait. You can't use cables from other PSU. That will not work, and that is why you get shorts. You must use cable that comes with PSU - others can fry PSU, as they are not interchangeable between different PSUs.

I have tried it with two other cables though also, is it really possible that three cables, from different PSUs all doing the same thing? 1 is from an EVGA PSU, the other two are from Rosewill PSUs. I even tried the EVGA PSU I have thats a 750W also, and it does the same thing.
UPDATE: I have found a cable that when plugged in, does not short out the PSU. Now anytime I plug a hard drive into it, it shorts out. I ahve 4 HDDs and one brand new never used SSD, and all when plugged in, short out the PSU.
Its just a simple 6pin SATA power cable, one that comes with a new PSU, like this one but it has three SATA plug ins instead of one.


Any hard drive I plug in causes everything to power off.
UPDATE 2: I dont know if I found the right cable that came with the PSU, or found one that just happens to work, but I found a cable that doesnt short out even with 3 HDDs and a SSD attached, so my question has been answered i guess. Thank you for the responses DRagor.
Good. Just for future reference. This is your PSU:
It comes with 4 (four) peripheral cables, that look like this:

Each has 2 SATA connections and one MOLEX connection.
They are supposed to be put into slots marked as Peripherals/SATA/IDE:

And last thought: either one of the cables was bad, or maybe you put it upside-down at PSU slot? Don't know if it is possible at all, but that could cause same effect.