Psu strange noise


Apr 8, 2013
Hi guys

so i keep hearing strange noises from psu

i was thinking the sounds came from gpu but discovered its the psu

only appears when i stress the system

like using heavens benchmark(sounds starts as soon as the bench starts)

No idea whats going on,is the psu going bad,any advice how can i check if its psu near its end?
Its just classic coil whine. It doesn't mean its near its end, just that it was made imperfect. My graphics card has major coil whine since I bought it 1.5 years ago and its still fine.
Its just classic coil whine. It doesn't mean its near its end, just that it was made imperfect. My graphics card has major coil whine since I bought it 1.5 years ago and its still fine.
It CAN be coil whine. Feel the back of your PSU when benchmarking and if it gets hot, you've either got a PSU that's the bare minimum wattage you need for your system to work, or you've got a problem. Might just be the fan ramping up. That's probably what it is. If your PSU gets hot while benchmarking, you probably need to get a larger PSU. I recommend a 50w upgrade (400w - 450w, 500w - 550w, etc) until it stops whining.

Feeling the back of a PSU is not an accurate method of testing a PSU, EVER. Arbitrary 50w PSU size increases are also, by far, not the correct way to be replacing a PSU. Also PSU's being stressed don't always coil whine. Some do, some do not.

OP There is no way to really test the PSU like that, but what is the make and model? And how old is it? What are your system specs?

My problem is that the sounds only occurs when I stress the system.. The moment I start a bench the sounds starts immediately, the moment I stop it the sounds is gone right away

I got be quite dark power Pro 7 650w

That is a good quality PSU. The sound you are hearing is coil whine and its completely normal. You don't need a more powerful PSU. If the noise is really annoying the only solution here is to replace it or warranty it. Most of us just live with it.


Yeah, you probably need to have your PSU checked out. Otherwise, it might just be coil whine.

It could be coil whine, or after enough benchmarking, we will (hopefully) see you back after the fire.

(I don't think a PSU will burst into flames like that.)

It IS coil whine, he doesn't need to have it checked, and don't make "fire" comments like that when you have no basis for that possibility.

He did list the specs, and aside from that "drawing too much power" does not result in coil whine, it results in the psu shutting down.

Yes it will start at a certain power level. Its not like a fan in that it spins up, its at a certain output it will just make noise, and once relieved will shut off just as quickly.

alright ty,last question,this started appearing recently,i didnt have this problem before,can it still be coil whine >

sry for the questions,recently i had to rma a gpu and was told to look at psu so thats why i asking

ty for the help

It can develop over time, however your other equipment is fairly new, so I'm guessing you used this PSU with an older system before, that maybe had lower power requirements than your current one.