psu switched off but speakers still make noises


Oct 16, 2014
why do my speakers make crackling noises from time to time although my psu is switched off? they are usb charged. i don't have any issues with other peripherals. the led on the back of my speakers also goes off, but when the crackle noises happen it switches on for like half a second. this happens with two different pairs of speakers and different usb ports. my psu is always cold, the 12v, 5v, 3.3v rails voltages are perfect and constant. what could be the problem? does the psu store some electricity and the speakers are extra-sensitive? is this normal? of course, if i unplug my pc completely the noises disappear. thank you. my psu is a Sirtec - High Power Element BRONZE II 600W.

If you mean you shut down the PC from windows then the psu is still capable of providing power

What about sleep mode?
Or wake on lan ?

Usb led mice usually glow while the PC is off.

One you switch off at socket or unplug the mains then the capacitors eventually discharge,
however there are often safety warnings not to open psu case as there are high voltage on psu capacitors remaining for some time after un plugging the mains cable from wall socket.

Mike barnes

If the speakers are usb charged do you mean they have built in batteries?
If so

Radio frequency interference picked up by connections to the speakers may be causing the noise

Try with speaker connection cables disconnected from rear of your PC but still connected to speakers and see what happens

Mike Barnes