[SOLVED] PSU Thermaltake litepower 350 watts

Thank you for your time and effort. From where I live, I don't have access to the product of your link. I will be buying parts from local shop. And Thermaltake is the cheapest they have which have a bit of quality and 2 years warranty. Others are $7-8 crap chinese psu with no warranty. I can spend a bit more for a corsair VS 450. But I am on a tight budget and want to be very reasonable with my spending cause I am already over budget going for 2400g instead of 2200g. Buying a GPU in the future is not my intention. I wanna know is thermaltake that bad? It's not a top tier brand but it shouldn't have problem running a simple rig like mine. I have seen people trash talking about it. That's why I am concerned.