Psu ticking noise


Dec 31, 2014
I5 4690
Asrock H97m pro4
Gigabyte GeForce gtx970
8gb ballistix ram
Crucial mx100 256gb
Western digital blue 1tb hdd
The culprit: GXII 650w 80+ bronze from cooler master

I recently built a new computer and everything seemed to be working right, a played a few different games, connected to the internet and so forth. I decided to install skyrim which worked ok at first but then suddenly my PC completely shut down and restarted like nothing. Sense then it has happened a few times and I noticed a faint ticking noise coming from my PC and I now know that it is coming from my psu. I have only notice the noise when I play skyrim( probably the most demanding game I have played). It runs fine for some random amount of time(15min-6hrs) then the ticking starts. It's starts as very little then it gets faster and louder, then my PC restarts. I think the noise is electrical. It's almost like a little spark noise, but there is no visible spark even in the dark. I also get a little coil wine but I'm not too concerned with that. I moved my build to a different outlet and the same problem happened. The noise is minor enough that it doesn't bother me but I can't go on with my PC randomly crashing, and I'm worried that it will do harm to the rest of the PC. I don't want to have to send in my psu, but I REALLY don't want to send it in just to find out that I was doing something wrong and that there was an easy fix which is why I am asking. I'm pretty sure that nothing is overheating. And I'm almost positive that it is not my psu fan hitting something. I haven't been able to find another person with a similar problem online ( every thread I found was either coil wine or something hitting the fan which I'm pretty sure this is not) I know that my psu is overkill for my build but I wanted the extra potential power for upgrades in the future. So far, all of the research I have done says that it isn't a problem.

Any ideas or recommendations would be helpful thank you!

Do you guys think that continuing to use my PC for the time being will damage it?
If you have another PSU laying around, try that first just to make sure that it is the problem. Then return yours if it is under warranty.