PSU to GPU Cable Help


Jan 21, 2016
I just bought a new XFX Radeon R9 380X 4GB Video Card and I'm new to desktop building.

I have a Corsair CX600M PSU. It is modular, so it has four ports:
-Two Six-Pins on one side. The label reads "Peripheral & SATA". One plugs into my Optical Drive via SATA; The other plugs into my SSD and HDD via SATA. I've had no issues with this configuration.
-On the other side; One Six-Pin and One Eight-Pin. Neither of which are in use yet. The label reads "6+2 PCIE & 4+4 CPU".
Here is a picture:

My new GPU has two PCIE ports. In the instruction manual it specifically says, "Connect TWO individual PCI Express (6-pin) power cables to each individual connector on the Graphics Card".

There are no Molex ports on any component of the tower. The PSU just came with a ton of Molex Cables.
The PSU didn't come with a manual. Only warranty and safety information (don't use it outside, don't get it wet, etc.)

How can I configure this?
Yes, you can use a 6+2 PCIe connector in a six pin PCIe slot. It is made for that, otherwise it would just be an 8 pin PCIe connector. A 6+2 PCIe connector is good for a 6 pin slot or an 8 pin slot on the graphics card.
your optical, ssd and hdd run on pci-e not serial ATA power? either way yh you can plug one 6pin into one gpu power slot and the 6+2 into the other (i would recommend using something like electrical tape to move the extra 2 pins out of the way eg up against the cable)
I think he means his PSU is modular and the SATA/molex cables connect to the PSU with six pin connectors, this is common. However, please note that these are not called 6 pin connectors. Cables are named for their output connectors. This is especially true for non-modular power supplies that don't have changeable cables.

The PCIe connectors are not the same and should not be interchangeable. You can only plug PCIe connectors into PCIe graphics cards that have PCIe power slots.

Also note that six pin PCIe has three 12V lines and three grounds. SATA and the peripheral Molex connectors each have only one 12V line, two ground lines, and one 5V line. SATA also has one 3.3V line. PCIe connectors don't have 5V nor 3.3V, so you certainly can't use those slots on the PSU except for what they are meant for. The PSU should either be labeled or at least have good enough documentation to tell you this.