PSU's with the Software components that Thermaltake bring?


Apr 28, 2014
I am shopping for a new PC, finally, for myself after my last one was stolen at a LAN party. Which totally sucked but I guess that's the dice you roll when you go to a LAN party with over 50 people - Still salty so don't ask : /.

ANYWAY - I am looking towards Thermaltake for their ability to remotely turn the computer off and on. I like the idea of being able to keep the system off in the day when I am at work and then, remotely, be able to turn the device on on my way home so it's booted and waiting. The thing is I don't trust Thermaltake hardware as I know their past horror stories. The one I am looking at is the 850w DPS G Titanium series - I love the software aspect of it but I don't trust Thermaltake and I don't really care for the RGB aspect.

If you know anything from any other PSU manufacturer who utilizes this technology in a similar fashion, let me know.
Ahh, yeah, WoL can be utilized from any device that has the ability to connect via ethernet. Which includes cellphones, since you just remotely access the modem/router and send the magic package. There's downloadable apps for that that make things easier.
Actually, USAFret is even exaggerating. A somewhat clean windows 10 OS on a normal sata ssd takes @ 8-10 seconds from button push to internet ready. Even my OS which is pretty loaded down and includes a Rainmeter display only takes @23 seconds before I'm online, so many of these WoL applications have taken a backseat as ppl are no longer waiting 2-5 minutes like the old hdd days.
One thing about either TT's version or WoL though, you'll need to disable most Eco settings as the LAN...
WoL has to be connected to the same LAN correct? As in it cannot be done remotely but more so from sending a message from a program on a device that would be connected to the same network, such as a tablet or smartphone, which would beat the purpose of having a wifi-connected device that allows me to utilize an in phone application from anywhere to turn my PC on and off.

Unless I am misunderstanding the idea behind the the remote application.

USAFRet - Look, I don't need smartassed responses. If you have something more constructive then please feel free to add it otherwise I could care less if you are a mod, you are being totally unhelpful. If I am building a $3000 dollar toy and I want it to turn off and on with my smartphone so be it - I know that a quality SSD + OS would equal very quick start up. This is more a vanity thing, something that seems cool and a "look at me" kinda thing. I want to also add that this software adds real-time monitoring of power distribution, heat maps and possible fan failure. Which to me is kinda cool, one less software to download and run, simply an app on my phone that sends me real-time information that would allow me to shut the pc down in the event something was running poorly. Also, if I chose to take the PC to say a hotel for whatever reason I could simply shut down the PC when I am out of my room or in case of emergency, such as a thunderstorm, and would like peace of mind. That is the value of the component - what my question pertains to is if this is a thermaltake only type thing or if anyone knows, for instance, if EVGA or SeaSonic utilize a similar software? This is the question, not how to boot my pc faster.

Aside from that I already have an 525 GB M.2 shipped along with most other components, I am just looking at one or two things to finalize, things I am unsure about at this moment. So boot speed is just one factor other than convenience and a cool functionality that, to me, adds value.
Thank you - I will definitely read over these links. This is much more useful information.

You are correct, in my ignorance I thought WoL was utilized only as an in-house, same LAN situation. Why would I need to use this if I am probably no more than 20 feet from my computer most days anyway?

Plus, the On/Off feature to me was what was cool about it, I like the other abilities the software provide as well but this was, to me, a cool functionality that seemed somewhat disruptive. Also, I guess it also sends ECO reports and allows you to adjust power-usage through the app? I may be misreading it but that is also cool. Where I am our energy provider gives power-savings days where the less you use the more you save - sometimes I get a $100 credit for unplugging everything but that can be hard since I work full time from home and go to university mostly online from home as well, this could be a way to alter the power usage during these days to run less energy. Kinda cool.
Ahh, yeah, WoL can be utilized from any device that has the ability to connect via ethernet. Which includes cellphones, since you just remotely access the modem/router and send the magic package. There's downloadable apps for that that make things easier.
Actually, USAFret is even exaggerating. A somewhat clean windows 10 OS on a normal sata ssd takes @ 8-10 seconds from button push to internet ready. Even my OS which is pretty loaded down and includes a Rainmeter display only takes @23 seconds before I'm online, so many of these WoL applications have taken a backseat as ppl are no longer waiting 2-5 minutes like the old hdd days.
One thing about either TT's version or WoL though, you'll need to disable most Eco settings as the LAN will have to remain active in order to be able to receive your on/off instructions. So you'll loose the deep sleep states below C3, the psu and mobo will always partially be active etc. Honestly, if the Eco settings are important to you, simply manual on/off would be the best idea, since you really will still be using relatively more electric maintaining minimal usage patterns.