Question PtP & AP ?

Kinda ubiquiti and other companies that specialize in outdoor equipment do sell units but they really are 2 units in one box.

PtP wifi in most cases use special antenna to get more distance. This means it makes it hard to act as a AP since all the wifi energy is directed in a narrow beam and the other end devices are not in a proper position to see the radio signals.

In addition it depends on what kind of point to point you are using. All depends if it is a single client on the remote end or multiple. This is all related to encryption of wifi signals and need for wifi to use the mac addresses end devices for the encryption keys. This is very similar to the issue you with so called repeater/mesh systems but point to point solutions use a different "hack" to solve the restriction to use the mac addresses in the encryption keys.

You likely could make your own or maybe some company sells one. All you would do is add directional antenna to a wifi repeater.

It is always better to have a box that is actually a point to point solution and a AP solution in the same physical box rather than using any kind of repeater/mesh system.
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Without specific details regarding the environment and overall network topology there may be another way.

Just as a thought: Consider two separate boxes.

Not the requirement per se but using one box means that a problem with that box could take down everything.

Separate boxes means that at least one side or the other would still be working.

You may even be able to set up some sort of crossover between the boxes where one box could do all of the "work" (to some degree at least) until its' counterpart is restored or replaced.

Think about the trade-offs, advantages, disadvantages, costs, etc..

No harm in considering the option.
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