Pubg pc version is way more better thsan mobile version


Mar 15, 2018
Lets be honest guys , pubg pc is way more better than pubg mobile , i mean how realistic is pubg pc compare to.pubg mobile , guns , graphics , and more , i dont know why pubg mobile is more popular than the pc version , i dont get it , despite the fact pubg mobile is free , maybe cuz most of the people dont have a powerful pc , maybe thats why people dont play the pc version or ps or xbox

But even tho , the game is way more better than pubg mobile ... your opinions guys
PUBG Is unoptimized and has a history of game breaking bugs, plus people are more into non realistic BRs
Youre comparing a PC game to a mobile game, whats your question?
Obviously the PC version is going to "play better", but the mobile audience is growing (hint, you cant bring your PC to class, the bus, work, etc). Plus free, free is a big deal.

Why does it matter?
Youre comparing a PC game to a mobile game, whats your question?
Obviously the PC version is going to "play better", but the mobile audience is growing (hint, you cant bring your PC to class, the bus, work, etc). Plus free, free is a big deal.

Why does it matter?
Actually thats not a " question thread " ,this thread is just about an.opinion from people
And yes, pubg mobile is growing like u mentioned before , and free is a big deal tho , but as i said. Just an opinion , much respect
PUBG Is unoptimized and has a history of game breaking bugs, plus people are more into non realistic BRs
Maybe its just my opinion about the realistic games , but i will say , pubg is the most realistic game ive ever played , maybe its just my opinion