Public Wifi Drops


Feb 17, 2017
Group password protected wifi connection in a condo unit (similar to hotel wifi) drops multiple times throughout the day for several seconds to several minutes. I've been told that it has something to do with renewing leases. What steps should I take to diagnose the problem?
Hi Powsercarrot,

Is this happening on multiple devices? If it is then my best guess would be that it's an issue with the network configuration. It's possible that the renew lease time is low which would essentially give your device a new address every time the lease runs out. This can cause the disconnects. From what you have described, it sounds like you don't have administrator access to the network settings, so I would recommend contacting the network admin and presenting the situation to them.

On the other side, if you do have access to the router settings, the first thing I would probably try is resetting the router and going to the setup process again. This is because the default settings of most routers are set to at least work properly.
Happens on all devices.


Using Net Uptime Monitor, it looks like around 2% downtime. Is that acceptable?