Pulling CMOS Battery?


Sep 9, 2014
Have a custom tower that's worked for a while, but recently it will no longer boot to windows. It begins loading windows but the loading circle halts and won't continue forcing me to hard reboot.

Was attempting to host the computer in a virtual environment hiren's/gandalf's but it hangs while loading them as well, like windows. So I disconnected the SSD(boot drive and only drive in the tower) and tried, same results. Next step would be resetting the cmos, or so I'm reading. I CAN get into bios. If I can set the bios settings to default manually, do I need to pull the cmos battery then reinsert? Or is this the same thing?
you dont have to pull the battery if you can take power off the mb and clear the cmos with a jumper. when you try and pull the battery if your not care full you can break the battery clip on the mb. try booting your test os disk with one ram stick..see if one of the ram stick went bad. also if there onboard video on the mb..pull the gpu to rule out a bad card or weak power supply. also if there 3 party sound or any other card pull those to see if any of them failed.
Basically the same thing. Pulling the battery and using the CMOS reset jumper will set the board back to factory new condition, including the date and time.

Doing the BIOS reset saves the current date and time and sets the parameters to 'default', which may or may not be the same as it came from the factory.