Purchasing a Gaming PC from iBUYPOWER


Nov 28, 2012
Hi, i will purchase a gaming PC from ibuypower. Cannot be over $2000
I will be mainly playing Battlefield 3 and also World of Warcraft. I will be streaming those games on twitch tv. I am more concerned with the performance in BF3.

CPU: has to be i7-3770K overclocked to its max.
cooling system: the best that can handle all that heat.. I was told liquid cooling is required if CPU is OC but i dont know which brand or which type is good..

Mobo: something very good like Asus Z77 Sabertooth...has to be what is considered "very good"

Video card: Overclocked .. something that can run BF3 or WoW in Ultra at 50 frame rates or higher. Cannot be higher than overclocked GTX 670.. if you know any video card below the GTX 670 that can run BF3 smoothly in ULTRA settings and while using FRAPS 50 fps or higher let me know.. I know GTX 670 can do that very well but i just don't know which video card can do the same overclocked or just as close with what i recommended.

Note: I will be rendering a lot of videos in sony vegas

PSU: has to be Corsair

You can go to ibuypower and play around or just type in what you know would be the best parts for this PC that can run in those games in those settings will saved me the most bucks.
Even though there might better sites I am only buying it from that site and tomorrow.

PS: on ibuypower.com when customzing PC parts there is an email button in ibuypower that lets you send configurations of the PC with the selected parts.. PC has to be between $1000 and $2000. I am looking to save the most $ while retaining good frame rates in Ultra while streaming.

If you are so kind enough to configure a PC there -- you can send your PC configuration to qwertyqw0p@yahoo.com
You never posted a link. No idea why you're deadset on using that website. Anyway, a PC with i7-3770k, decent cooling system, Corsair PSU and GTX 670 would cost you around $1100-1200. And whoever told you liquid cooling is a necessity didn't know what he was talking about.
i am not sure if posting links is allowed here but another alternative was computerlx.com which is less expensive. I will not build my PC. I just pre-built it from a website and have it ship asap so it arrives by Xmas...

Any info helps.. share your knowledge any sites you recommend.. parts etc.. anyone reading.. thanks..
I prefer www.pcpartpicker.com for choosing parts. You can get the best deal there. Unfortunately, they don't build the systems, just gives you the best deal for parts.

As for that ibuypower website: the choices are really poor. They pretty much force you to buy overpriced parts.