push pull question


Aug 30, 2014
gto a h100i,

want tot do push pull (noob 1st time builder here btw) is it possible and better to do pull/pull??? also in push/pull do i have the pessure fan on top of the rad or bottom?

cheers :)
I've reversed most exhaust fans to blow in, especially with cases that place the CPU towards the top of the case (instead of the dustier bottom). Blowing in more cool air onto the CPU cooler from the nearest cool-air source gives me better CPU temps than "exhausting it out".

Problem with that is that most exhaust locations dont tend to have dust filters, so although you might get better temps, you will get more dust inside.
Dust is always pulled in from somewhere. Even with dust-filters, I'm left to vacuuming something, and everything, at some point IF I want a good running computer. With Push-Pull questions like this, I have to assume there is a desire for a Best Running Computer, and consequently, More Cleaning, not Less, is needed.

(ROB, I altered this last sentence to be more generic without realizing it was a reply to you, not to the OP.)

I have become a big fan of Silverstone's magnetic filters that pop over most every case orifice. It's as easy as I can make it for the routine vacuuming, but there's nothing like a more thorough, "peel apart case and splay out everything" cleaning. It's even better when Hubby does it for me.)

If you have good filters on intakes and positive pressure setup then you get very minimal dust inside.

I don't know why you would run push/pull on a radiator and have it intake into your computer, that will just clog up the radiator with loads of dust.

IMO, you can get a very good cooling setup using positive pressure, with much less dust in your case ( I would be careful using a vacuum, static charge and all that!), I would rather temps 2'c higher and less dust.