Put together new build and getting no beeps, no BIOS or anything.


Feb 25, 2015

After putting a new build together I'm having issues getting it to boot up. I've triple checked everything and the problem persists, I switch on the power and turn it on after say 5 seconds it seems to power itself down for a second and starts again, I get no beeps or nothing all that happens is a unusual ticking noise which I can't pin point. I've tryed booting it up with swapping around the RAM and only using one, plugging the monitor into the onboard GFX and adding my old GFX card to it which definitely works. I'm just wondering if anyone could shed some light on what could be causing it.

Specs are: i7-470k
Asus maximus formula VII
Gforce GTX 970ftw
Corsair force gs
Western digital black
16GB Vengeance pro series
Corsair hydro H100i
Corsair CX750
Thanks for the fast reply. I noticed that the fans on the 970 stop running after a couple of seconds. I put this down to a bad PSU but after putting in a spare graphics card I used to run on a 600 PSU it still doesn't boot but the fans keep spinning. I'm going to order a better PSU but want to get to the bottom of this first. Is this possibly a problem with the motherboard? I've tryed those steps on the post and searched google high and low haha. There's people with the problem I'm having but they never seem to post there solution or the post doesn't get solved.