Putin's single ... lets help him out !!

I don't think he needs our help man. This is his longtime girlfriend and the mother of I think 2 of his kids. Hell I could use his help!



Former champion rhythmic gymnast.
Yes she can do this.


Yes she can indeed. :langue: 😍

Let putin seriously have a good friendly and hopefully rewarding talk with obama about Syria.This is more important than the other nonsense we discuss.

What are they going to talk about? Obama will be arming the Al Qaeda backed Rebels; Putin wants to keep Assad in power.

To be honest, Assad hasn't been bad for the region so far. We don't need another Libya or Egypt.
Just so no one accuses me of being complicit or that I'm "OK" with this I feel like I should say something.

I dont think we should be arming anyone, for some pretty obvious reasons that have bitten us before. I repeat, we should not be arming the rebels.

But personally I dont think Assad should be allowed to militarily steamroll over any opposition with the help of Russia's weapons. One family has been in charge of that country since 1971, and thats not my flavor of democracy.

It is worth noting that if Assad's behavior happened in the US we would have a similar rebellion. He imposed martial law, fired on peaceful protestors, illegally detained and tortured protestors, suspended their constitution to detain people with no cause, sentenced with no trial...

Given we don't have a better option because the Rebels aren't exactly stellar themselves.. leave him in power or kick him out and hope for the best? Remember, the Rebels have been executing POWs and it is still up in the air which side used sarin gas.

I'm not all up to date on his timeline.. but martial law, before or after the rebels started fighting almost 2 years ago? Things like that.. for the Region, he hasn't been bad. Not great, as I think he was behind the assassination of the other guy a few years ago.
Syria has been in a state of martial law since 1963 and recently "Lifted" it in 2011, which changed nothing the police still fire into protesting crowds, and disappearing people. Something like 100,000 people have been killed in the conflict.


Read this Human Rights Watch report on Syria and tell me this isnt another dictatorship screwing its people to stay in power.

He was behind (Allegedly) the assassination of the Lebanese prime minister, and supports several ant-Israeli groups. Not to mention the Iranian version of the Medal of Honor that Assad received from Iran.

The rebels are just as crazy as the Syrian army, the only difference is the Syrian Army is better equipped with Russian arms. Not saying the rebels should be armed, they knew what they were getting into when they started a war, and they sure as f*ck knew what they were doing when they killed POW's and ate some dude.

The solution wont come from either side, I would have the international community put pressure on Russia to smarten up and talk Assad down. Have an independent election with actual candidates this time, Assad won 97% of the vote... because he was the only person running.
An independent vote from people who have been surpressed their entire lives won't yield anything different. Each side will use violence to gain the upperhand.

Two forms exist: Reason and Physical force. Reason, as I think we have witnessed, does not really go over well in the Middle East. Therefore, each resort to physical force to get their way.

When we entered Iraq, the Iraqi people would ignore voice commands (reason). Locals had to explain to our soldiers that people only responded to physical force. Thus, the IKB was invented. IKB = Iraqi Kid Beater. The soldiers had to hit the kids to keep them away. That's the only thing they would respond to.

It's a lose-lose situation and change has to come from the people, not affiliated rebel groups or politicians. Unfortanately, those unwilling to engage in the physical fight lose any say.
What the US did to Gaddafi was wrong. While he was difficult and liked taking jabs at the US, he did what we needed him to do for us. Now, we have a lot of chemical and conventional weapons missing from his armories.

The Bekaa valley and Russia.
Why is it we are righting these 'terrorists' in the middle east, yet we support them by giving armaments top later use against their people and ours? I see this as counter-intuitive? Are we at war or are we trying to befreind even the most evil of all. I say the cold war look like a picnic compared to this crap!
We are so mixed up in our war strategy it is not funny.In plain words what the F--k is going on?

I think he was refering to human nature as a whole. Of course our leaders know what they are doing. However, do they know to consequences of their actions of any other alternatives besides armament/war for the rebels?