Putting ram to work at 1600mhz safely.


Apr 19, 2010
Hi, I just bought a new pc, and I wanted to know how to safely (not OC or anything like that) put the ram to their normal value of 1600mhz, right now they show in the BIOS as 1333.

This is my new PC:

- Asus z97-pro
- intel i7 4790k
- 16gbs Sniper Gaming 1600mhz
- nVidia gtx 970.


Everything is stock, I installed the components and that's it, didn't touch a thing.

(Explain it to me as if I'm 6 years old please :) )
As far as I know, the reason it shows 1333 and not 1600 is because there is no official JEDEC specification for 1600 like there is for 1333. This has to do with the olden days when there was a 333 mhz bus speed.

What is really important is to check the manufacturers website, most ram is totally fine at 1600. It shouldn't be a big deal as long as it's run in the voltage range it's specc'd for.
Already done it, changed it to XMP profile 1. It kind of scared me a bit when the screen froze after I clicked ok to the message describing the changes that were going to be made, but then it reset and everything works fine.

My CPU cooler is a Corsair h60i, I suppose it's enough for this. However the CPU is not running at 4.4ghz, I thought that boost did that too.
If you mean the speed windows says your CPU is at...

Like SR-71 said, it'll go up to the overclock when you run something that needs it, otherwise it'll run like normal and slow down when you are not using CPU heavy stuff.

This got me too when I first tried overclocking my rig.