Putting together an old Gaming PC - need help!


Jan 25, 2018
Hello, I am building an older gaming PC and I am not sure if the components will fit together(tried PC part picker, but there are several versions of components of the same name, so I don't know if I picked the right ones).

My components so far are:
GPU: Asus HD6050
CPU: AMD Phenom X6 1100T Black Edition
Motherboard: ASUS ROG Crosshair IV Formula
RAM(DDR3): Corsair Vengeance Pro Series 2x4GB 2133mhz
SSD: Samsung 120GB
PSU: Corsair GS650

My question is if I can put in the 2133mhz ram, eventhough the board only advertises 1366(or so)mhz?
(There were already 1600mhz ram sticks in when i bought it, but I sold them)
Should I buy new ones or can I tweak the voltage or so, and if so; how would I go about doing that?

All help is greatly appreciated!
Alright, thanks alot.
I do that through the BIOS menu I guess(I know that much, just never done overclocking before).
If the system has been tweaked beforehand, by the previous owner, can I then just put in a new/clean ssd with windows and install it right away, or do I need to reset motherboard settings or so?(only changed the ram - cpu, gpu and motherboard were together when I bought it, but I don't know if he has ever tried to overclock it).