Puzzling Network Problem


Jun 11, 2013
This is, to date, the weirdest and most obscure connection problem that I've ever dealt with.
I'm an avid gamer, and spend lots of time with a group of friends playing various games (Borderlands, LoL, recently Robocraft and CS:GO more.) and we do a lot of voice communication with each other. Up until recently, we have always used Skype and it has worked beautifully, however recently I have developed a problem with connecting with one of my friends.

I'm not really sure what the actual problem is, but here are the things it has been causing:

  • When I start a Skype call with him, the call connects and I hear him, but apparently he does not hear me or at least not after a delay, then Skype shows the call connection has gone bad and the connection symbol goes red/broken. After this I lose all internet connection till I hang up the call. (For example when I have the League of Legends client open it says I have lost connection to chat and will not reconnect until after I hang up.)

    When I attempt to join a Borderlands game, no matter who is hosting the game, it will take a longer that normal amount of time to connect (about 10-12 seconds longer than the usual 2-3) then in game it will be very laggy, with my movements delayed and jumping around the screen, until eventually it boots me out of the game saying I lost connection to the server

    When I am hosting a Teamspeak 3 server, using the Teamspeak 3 server client, and when I give him the IP to connect, he will connect and like Skype, I hear him for a few seconds until their connection drops and they leave the server. I don't lose connection to the server because it's hosted on my own network, However, Teamspeak does work when we join a server hosted elsewhere and create our own room.

And keep in mind, this ONLY happens when it is between our two specific houses. We live in the same town, but when I Skype him from another house it goes through fine, for example the third friend who lives just down the street from me never has any of these problems with me.

To avoid the problem, we use Google Hangouts, but it's not convenient as we have problems getting group calls going, nothing related to my connection problems just bugs with the program. I'd like to get it fixed so we can talk through Skype easily again.

We've never had any problems with multiplayer games like CS:GO or LoL, once we get in game there are no issues in the actual match.

A couple things were happening around the time that this problem started, everything before then was fine. We upgraded our router to the newest Comcast Gateway router, we disabled an older Apple Airport that we were using to provide a second network upstairs that I never actually used, and I switched to an ethernet connection on the computer I use to game. Also, we installed a MOCA adapter in my house, and the way I get my Ethernet is through a MOCA adapter that then converts the Coax cable with the MOCA connection running through it into an ethernet line that I then plug into my desktop.

For all that don't know what MOCA does, it basically takes the COAX line running into the room where my desktop is and combines it with an ethernet line coming out of my router, then in my desktop room I have a second adapter that then pulls the ethernet connection out of the COAX line and converts it to an ethernet connection that I use for my desktop.

Although, even when I called him via Skype on my phone or laptop that were both connected via WiFi, it still brought down the internet connection for my entire home and every device on it, until I hung up the call.

Things that I have tried:

  • Lowering router's "security" level (The comcast router has 5 levels of security, 2 is default I believe I tried 1 momentarily but it did not work, and I'd rather not make my router insecure)

    Restarting router

    Using WiFi instead of Ethernet

I'm pretty technologically adept, but if you want me to do some more complicated command-prompt time work I'm gonna need step by step instructions 😛

At this point anything could help, just trying to solve a problem with my friend so we can play games.
