i borrowed my buddys computer-it has been running windows vista for a long time-with no problems At first it also worked for me-it has no linux on it nor never did -only windows
i am running a blog-a blog which i am sure the government wanted to shut down and finally did along with my hotmail.gmail etc -why or how can anyone not devious put pyrun on a windows hard drive unless it is to shut down the computer-i did have 2 updates while blogging-one was firefox and one was microsoft hahaha no i am not paranoid -i have records of many strange ips and isps on my blog traffic reader-one was abovetheinternetAmerica instead of verizon or cableone or other providors who would have this ip no number given either at one time i had 12 visitors on my site with no provider or location number
i am running a blog-a blog which i am sure the government wanted to shut down and finally did along with my hotmail.gmail etc -why or how can anyone not devious put pyrun on a windows hard drive unless it is to shut down the computer-i did have 2 updates while blogging-one was firefox and one was microsoft hahaha no i am not paranoid -i have records of many strange ips and isps on my blog traffic reader-one was abovetheinternetAmerica instead of verizon or cableone or other providors who would have this ip no number given either at one time i had 12 visitors on my site with no provider or location number