Q&A With Magicka Developer, Arrowhead Game Studios

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Great game, that is for sure. Arguably the best $10 I've spent in my life.

Also a great article, particularly regarding DirectX/OpenGL and APIs. I remember reading an article a while back talking about removing the API and coding on the hardware directly. Having done some DirectX/OpenGL work myself, the first thing that came to mind for me was "wooah, thats gonna take forever." Glad someone else on this planet agrees with me. Just not feasible for smaller studios.

Although he does seem to be a fan of DirectX, which I am not. Not only do I think OpenGL is easier to code with, using OpenGL could easily open up a whole new market for games, especially with the ever-increasing Mac popularity (not to mention make our Linux friends happy).
This is one of my top 5 games I currently play, it's worth ~$20 but the fact that it is ~$10 makes it amazing. I haven't had this much fun in multiplayer since Goldeneye64...
I just picked up Torchlight off of Steam and am currently having a blast. Magicka looks very appealing, especially for $10, but reading reviews it seems as though the game is very very buggy and unpolished. As the game was released 4 months ago can anyone comment on the state of the game now? Have any of the bugs been fixed or is it something you just have to live with?
Bought this game on Steam a couple of weeks ago. It's fun, but be aware that multiplayer may not be on the standard that you're used to. It's very much P2P hosting, which comes with its usual problems of having the right ports open/forwarded. The hosting machine has the save file, so if the person who's been hosting isn't available, the rest of you will have to start anew. Dedicated server software is something that would be pretty desirable here.
[citation][nom]cknobman[/nom]I just picked up Torchlight off of Steam and am currently having a blast. Magicka looks very appealing, especially for $10, but reading reviews it seems as though the game is very very buggy and unpolished. As the game was released 4 months ago can anyone comment on the state of the game now? Have any of the bugs been fixed or is it something you just have to live with?[/citation]
So far ....21 updates since january,the game is in a much better state then it was on release day........
Best $10 I have ever spent. My 6 year old spends hours on it and has completed it a couple of times along with the Nam challenge. Me? Well I suck at it.
[citation][nom]sirmorluk[/nom]Best $10 I have ever spent. My 6 year old spends hours on it and has completed it a couple of times along with the Nam challenge. Me? Well I suck at it.[/citation]
QRSAER as weapon enchantment or as AE spell is very helpful :) and FQFQAAS for a beam :)
Really enjoyed this game, been meaning to pick up Vietnam. I never got all the spells my first time through the game though.

I also never played multiplayer... hmmm, weekend project coming up, figure out how to play with my friends on that :)
[citation][nom]cknobman[/nom] Have any of the bugs been fixed or is it something you just have to live with?[/citation]

I can only speak for my system,i52500k cpu, 6950, asus mobo. The game is great and no bugs that i have noticed, i just bought it 2 weeks ago, its great!

Veitnam is awesome!
Seriously though, I'm sick of zombie games, how about an aliens and predator mode?? Similar to Alien Swarm???
[citation][nom]ikefu[/nom]Hmmm, I think reading this article may have just cost me $10...[/citation]
I lucked out, friend told me about it few weeks ago when the game and all it's expansions (minus the new Marsh one) were on sale for $5 :)
I see your angle, but IMHO this article misses the point of the game, which is hardly anything grafix related (1997 much?).
In some respects this game is truly space age. I don't play it but if you watch the collabs on Ytube you get the social addictiveness shooting through the roof. It's very simple design and concept shine in an environment which is still mainly dominated by old age games, namely single player campaigns.
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