[SOLVED] Q code 0C or OC on my RoG Crosshair VII hero

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Jul 15, 2020
Hey there! My issue is that my PC boots up just fine. After getting AA from the q code, it changes from AA to 0C. And when I launch a game a play for like 10 mins my PC just freezes or restarts itself. It’s custom built which was working just fine for the past 5 to 6 months, and I just opened it for cleaning changed the thermal pastes and stuff.

Build : Asus ROG crosshair VII hero X470 mobo , AMD Ryzen 7 3700x processor, 2x Corsair vengeance RGB pro 16 gigs 3200 MHz RAM, WD elements 128 gigs SSD, Corsair VS550 PSU, Asus ROG GeForce GTX 1050Ti 4GB Graphic Card.

im really stuck in a place where I don’t know what to do and I tried with one ram stick and changed them if there is any prob in the memor, remove the CMOS Battery for a while and placed it back.
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