Q6600 EP45-DS3R stable 3,6Ghz working for 24x7 usage


Jul 30, 2013

q6600 G0 SLACR + Scythe Mine ver.B + MX-2 paste
Patriot LLK series 800Mhz 2*1GB
HD7770 DirectCU Asus
Tagan Superock 600W (more than enough)

I got to the point:
1) 9*400Mhz = 3,6Ghz, CPUZ says 1,408V to 1,424V and the value in BIOS is set to 1,5V.
2) ram 1:1 800Mhz 4-4-4-12 2,2V (set that by SPD, seems to be running just fine) CPUZ says 2,18V, btw. I havent touched advanced ram settings so far. I got no idea how to set them, anyway.

all power-saving functions are turned off.

And the thing is that I've just played LOL for 30-40 minutes without any problems, but Prime95 crashes after 5 minutes of blend test. I'm not sure if I should be worried or just let it be as long as windows + games + movies seem to be running smoothly?

Idle temps: 38-40 C degree
stress: playing lol for 30-40minutes <60 C degree

I have my casing uncovered for now. If it helps, Ill leave it that way.

What about CPU PPL and CPU Termination voltages? For now:
1) CPU PPL manually 1,5V (isn't it default?)
2) VTT manually 1,2V
3) any other voltages like NB,SB and so on are all set AUTO

I'd like to have my pc to 24x7 usage, so my goal here is to set BIOS to make everyday usage 100% stable, but Windows apps+games+movies stable, not Prime and hard-core tests stable 😉

What are u suggesting to change/try out?

Thanks for any help :)

agree with spentshells. with everything set on auto, it will be overvolting everything. Your NB, SB and the CPU. Depending on what your VID is for your G0 you can get it much lower. The P45 is a great mobo for OC'ing those quads.
also, when stressing with P95, use small fft's which stress only cache and CPU. Blend will do a mix of mem too, and you should test that separately with memtest.

I would start by testing everything at stock, if you haven't already, then test your mem at it's overclocked settings with memtest, establish its working fine at the speeds your OC'ing with. Then use p95, small ffts, starting your voltage a couple of notches above your VID. then raise voltage incrementally until prime is stable with no crashes. Then you'll have stable mem and cpu.

Also your Tagan PSU isn't great. No disrespect. They are not a reputable brand. Specially with OC'ing a Q6600 your looking at well over 130 w, for the CPU alone. If it's old it most certainly isn't supplying the rated power, and it's not certified. If your extreme OCing, and 3.6 on a G0 kinda is, then that may also be an issue.
I believe it doesnt, check temperatures. After playing LOL for another 30min the core reached 48 C. But I can try lowering.

VID 1,2875V

Now what? What I need is motherboard NB,SB voltages. Any suggestions?

BTW Tagan is brand new

Ill try lower CPU voltage to boot windows without any problems and then Ill do some tests.

EDIT/ I did some diggin and:

PLL 1,5V
VTT 1,2V
MCH 1,2V
ICH I/O 1,57V (one step above default)
CPU Ref Auto
CPU Vcore 1,45 which is 1,376V idle right now

PC booted easily, now it's time for testing Prime95 etc.
Temperatures CPU idle - 35-37 C


Prime95 hardware failure immediately, I chose small FTT


When it comes to RAM, I've been using these patriots for a long time before on E6600@3,1Ghz and P5W DH Deluxe. They never let me down so I believe that they are not an issue. Moreover, according to PDP company, they can run at 1000Mhz with 2,3V 5-5-5-15 while I have them running at 800Mhz 2,2V 4-4-4-12 so they are on vacation right now with stock voltage, freq and timings.


Windows is running just fine, that's funny thing.


this is a good guide, and an interesting read too. Has a section further to the end with settings for a P35 which is similar, and will have most of the same bios settings as your own. It will give you an idea of stable settings for NB, SB, pll etc.
the patriots are good modules, but test them all the same to ensure there are no errors.

yeah, windows might run fine, but putting the system under load is when you see the instability.

Keep testing though, and you'll eventually find a stable clock. Maybe start lower at 3.2 or something, get it stable, and bring it up slowly from there.
Good tutorial. I tried several settings and I'm confused. Still trying to stabilize 3,6Ghz.

BIOS reset to default and set (RAM still the same, it's fine, CPU test fails):
All voltages default (set manually the values BIOS shows):
1,1V NB
1,5V SB
1,5V PLL
1,2V VTT
Vcore 1,45V which is 1,36V in CPUZ. Only then PC boots and works, but Prime95 instant failure.

So I actually lowered NB 0,1V and I can't go any lower here, I can't boot if Vcore is below 1,45V, it's definiately huge Vdrop, because I got 35 C degree idle which is pretty low.

Ill try more Vcore, because I found out that PRim95 instant error means not enough cpu voltage.


I bumped VTT and PLL (another value available) and it did nothing, Prime95 still crashes instantly.
Vcore CPUZ 1,36V-1,376V-1,392V, it changes. One step Vcore higher, but no changes at all.
Could it be NB/SB voltages problem?

Any ideas how to get nearer stability?


VTT, PLL back to normal
I tried Vcore one step lower -> BOOTED! So it's lower, now I got 1,376V in CPUZ idle (1,344 to 1,376)

so I tried NB +0,1V, booted. Then I decided to check higher VTT so I tried 1,2,3 options higher - nothing, still Prime95 insta died. At one point, I got blue screen after click RUN THE TEST. So I came back to default 1,2V.

That CPU is giving me hard time. Whatever I change, I can't even reach 5min stable test, it always instant crashes.

EDIT3/ Not stable even in games. These voltages were way too low.
Now I got VTT, PLL normal and Vcore 1,5V, but it's only 1,424V in CPUZ.
NB +0,1V (1,2V)
SB +0,07V (1,57V)
PLL 1,5V
VTT 1,2V

Prime95 is running a few second and cores are stopping one by one. I believe it's Vcore problem, it even goes 1,408 on 1,5V BIOS. I think Ill try 3,4Ghz now.

Yeah, id suggest to start with a lower OC. Even 3.2 just to get a stable base to work from. Regarding voltages. With changing NB/SB/PLL/VCORE so regularly, you would potentially make life difficult for yourself, with so many variables changing from boot to boot. Start with just CPU vcore, leave everything else at auto, and get the CPU stable at the desired frequency (3.2-3.4 as above) then work backwords a little, once you have the cpu stable, try set the NB/SB manually until you can attain that same safe cpu clock at 3.2-3.4. Then increase from there in small increments. it's a slow process, and even laborious, but will get you there in the end.
Good advice, I've just done it. Now I got 3Ghz, Prime95 is running 9th Test on small FTT mode without any problems. I set 1,3Vcore at BIOS, but in CPUZ it's 1,17V so really really low (<VID)!. Temps around 50 c so it's far from hot and it's not increasing while Prime95 is running another tests (just right now).
I don't know about 3,6Ghz, it seems possible since 3Ghz is running at 1,17V and everything else at default:
NB 1,1V
SB 1,5V
VTT 1,2V
PLL 1,5V
Vdimm 2,2V (because of SPD)

Ill play some games in a minute and if nothing crashes, Ill try going for 3,2Ghz by only increasing fsb and Vcore.

But what do you think about that huge Vdrop? Isn't it too high even for P45 chipset? Right now (while Prime95 is running) cores run at 1,168V according to CPUZ. I remind that it's set to 1,3V in BIOS for god's sake.

14th test passed, 0 errors, 49-54 cores temperatures.

Ill try doing what you just suggested. But what do you mean by "get cpu stable at desired freq"? Should I just Vcore more and more till Prime95 runs for at least a few minutes or windows boot will be enough to try change another viable?

Thanks for help, now I'm heading somewhere instead of standing in one point.

okay that's good. no prob, glad to help.

yeah vdroop, can be an issue. There may be a mod to help with that. I know on my board (P5NE SLI) my vdroop is massive. Ive done the 'pencil mod' mod a few times, where you shade in the top of a particular transistor on the board, and it reduces vdroop by a huge amount. Not sure if there is something similar for P45 but you could google and see. But seeing as you have low vcore at 3ghz, and stable with prime95 for 14 hours its not a problem just yet. Maybe later with higher clocks it could become an issue.

'get cpus stable at desired frequency' really just means, when you have it stable at 3ghz.....the speed of your CPU after overclocking. Sorry, it was a little vague :)

My advice would be to continue as your doing. OC, test new settings with prime for a decent amount of time. Beyond 3.ghz its essential to stress test more to ensure stability. So try 3.2, stress it, and see hat happens. At the very least you have your safe OC of 3ghz to refer back to. You could safe your safe stable 3ghz overclock as a profile, so you can load it up if you have a fail on a higher overclock.
Yeah, I think that would be a prudent way to go. Leave all else on auto, and continue to raise fsb, and vcore should you need more juice to get CPU stable.
3.6 on that board will not require so many voltage changes unless you have a bum chip

9*400 FSB RAM @ 800MHZ
Run specified voltage for the ram
try a 1.375 vocre
manually set the pcie freq to 100 and never change it, ever

if it boots great, prime until your cpu temp hits 75C then/if it does back down the cpu voltage
then I recommend looking at the other voltages

let us know if that works and you can work around it
I played 2-3h LOL last night and nothing happened so 3Ghz is damn stable. I don't have time today, but Ill let u know about >3Ghz as soon as I get around to further ocing.

First thing I did was setting 100 on PCIE 😉 What do you mean by 1,375Vcore? Real voltage or BIOS voltage?
Ill try what u said, but I've already tried 3,6Ghz earlier and it wasn't so easy as you may read above.

When it comes to the chip, I think it has potential, because I can boot 3,6Ghz easily, but it's not stable for now and moreover its temperature is really low. Everywhere I've been looking for, people say "watch temperatures above 70 c!" while my G0 never got to even 55 on 3,6Ghz. So I don't give up, Ill update some good or bad news asap.

One question: isn't it dangerous for hardware to change voltages, fsb and everything in BIOS constantly and reset every 2 minutes? All these bluescreens, crashes, not booting at all. Looks not safe for me, but nothing happened for now. The worst thing that happened were bad settings and mobo started to reset all the time. After 3-4 auto-reset I switched off PSU and switched on and that solved the problem.
cpu vcore directly under load line calibration which I turn off I recommend you do to.

as I mentioned with the ram look it up online and see what the voltage spec is and use exactly what is shown on the manufactuer website

if you are getting memory dump errors loosen the timings on the ram try 5-5-5 15 i'm running it like that but those are the rated timings for my mine.

Did you red that whole guide? thats how I got my first c2d e5300 to 4.14Ghz then the c2q was easy, i was running my q6600 @ 3.8 but it ran really hot so I dropped it down to 3.6Ghz

The temps are the most important thing when overclocking as you do not want to damage the chip 72C is as hot as it should ever get... in my opinion your temps for auto voltages seemed really great actually. What cooler do you have?
and at the time I was using a 5770 so I gained nothing in games
I completly have no time for OCing these days. Still 3Ghz. I have a question before further ocing. I need another 2GB ram, because now programs and windows sometimes lags and stop responding due to lack of ram. Sometimes it drops to 100-200MB available (free 0). What should I do not to block further ocing by RAM? Buy whatever RAM 2*1GB at least 800Mhz or should I buy only Patriot because I already have them? My RAM is running at 2,1V. As far as I know, all banks have to use the same voltage so "new" modules have to run at 2,1V, right? What's your advice here? I did some diggin and I can easily buy used PDP Patriot 2*1GB 800Mhz (the same, not sure about timings, because I got LLK CL4, normally they are probably CL5, I can try finding LLK CL4, but does it matter?) for max 80PLN (which is 25 USD) which is really cheap.

Thanks for help in advance

Ohh your questions:
CPU cooler: Scythe Mine version B with MX-2 thermal paste. For now I dont have my casing closed. If temps will be okay at 3,2-3,6Ghz, Ill try closing it.
GPU HD7770, I tried only 2 games:
League of Legends: 1280/1024 + high quality settings = 80-200 fps which is really great. Avg is about 100-120. Never drops lower even in 10 champions fight.
Counter-Strike: Source which is pretty old game and engine itself. I have >200fps (200-300fps) all the time, same settings as in LoL.

I'm satisfied with games performance since I dont play the newest ones. Now my goal is at least 3,2Ghz CPU and that RAM thing to let me run a few apps at the same time without lagging.

Well, when it comes to ram/dims, it's always best to have a matched pair. It makes it easier to configure. Saying that, I've never had more than two dims filled at any one time. So that would be 2 x 2gb or 2 x 4gb. Having all four dims populated can require extra voltage for both dims and NB. If its possible to get 2 x 2gb Patriots/Corsair/Kingston then that would be my preferred option, and it would mean less hassle trying to achieve a higher OC. I've only ever once had 4 dims populated, and it caused me pain. Just my two cents worth.
That's one way, but I have 2*1GB already and they would have to be removed and I'd have to pay more for new 4GB kit. I'm not sure if I can sell mine day-to-day, ddr2 isn't so popular anymore. 2*2GB costs about 65 USD. I can try, but really 4*1GB all the same modules might cause a problem with voltages and CPU OC potential? It sounds ridiculous since all banks have same voltage, but I'm not expert. More current requirement from PSU is understandable, but I believe I have enough power supply. Ok thanks for your response, Ill try selling 2*1 and for the money + a bit more, Ill try 2*2GB. If it doesnt work, Ill take chances and Ill buy another 2*1GB and all 4 slots will be used.

When it comes to further CPU OC, Ill let u know asap!


I set 333->350 fsb, CPUZ says 1,184-1,2V (BIOS 1,3V). Ram is running at 840Mhz.
Prime96 - one core failed after a few seconds (1st test), another one a lil bit later (2nd test), the rest 2 cores are running just fine right now, 11 tests passed, the highest temperature is 47 c. It's the same Vcore as I set for 333Mhz FSB so Ill try increasing one or two steps in bios and try again. Rest voltages remains the same for now.

Another step: 1,3125V -> CPUZ says 1,2V while Prime95 is running + BSOD 124: overheating or low voltage. Overheating is not a problem for me, never got >50 c.

Another step: 1,33125V -> CPUZ says 1,2V while Prime95 is running + BSOD 124

Another step: 1,35V -> CPUZ says 1,28V IDLE, Ill check Prime95 stability right now.

The problem seems to be Vcore which is pretty low in stress.

Maybe PLL or Termination helps here? I got the same as in 3Ghz settings which is 1,5V Termination (manually set what bios shows) and Auto PLL.

The problem is Vcore, indeed. I increased it, but always in stress (prime95 small ftt) CPUZ says 1,2V, but in idle it's always a bit more. That "a bit" is what I needed! I increased Vcore to 1,35V in BIOS, which is 1,28V IDLE in CPUZ. But in stress it doesn't lower to 1,2V anymore. It lowers only to 1,216V and guess what? It's enough! That 0,016V solved the problem. Moreover, I can see that CPU receives more voltage, because temperatures in stress go up to 56 c which I believe is still pretty good.

While I'm writing, Prime95 is still running, 16 tests all cores passed, temperature 51-56 (depends on the core). Now they started 8K self-test, but I'd rather test in games.

It's only 3,15Ghz, but it's always a step closer to the goal. Moreover, ram is running faster. I'm thinking about 1000Mhz 5-5-5-15 2,3V (SPD). Would that be helpful in multitasking in windows?

edit/ ~30min CS:Source, max 45 c temp

idle temps 31-35

that's an excellent result so far. With 1.35 vcore, and still such low temps on load (stressing) its a great result, and gives you room to further OC. Keep increasing the OC small increments at a time, and you will get there. Idle temps are perfect too. Your getting a nice sweet spot to increase even further. 3.4 is totally attainable, based on the settings/low temps, and relatively low vcore. Good job. :)

Edit: also, now your getting to a tricky stage, where there is an almost exponential rise in heat production as Vcore increase. Keep watching those temps. If on full stressing your temps get to 60+, you want to be carefull. You shouldn't push the temps beyond that for safe 24/7 use :)
I'm back! I know it's been a while but I don't have time nowadays 🙁 Work + studies + friends - too much. But I've made a major progress. I've just made a pencil mod for my mobo. Vdroop was the issue that caused instability and I knew it! Now it's reduced and before mod I had 1,28V under load and now I have 1,312V under load! It's amazing what simple pencil can do. Idle voltage increased, too and now it is 1,344V. My Q6600 runs at 3,4Ghz (3,37 or something like that, I set FSB so that RAM runs at 1000Mhz, because for me PC works better with faster RAM rather than lower timings). Idle temps 1,344V = 35-38 degree.


I have a problem with 120mm cooler which is placed in the back of the casing, it runs too loud (bearing problem?). I have to replace it with a new one. I know that these temperatures are too high for 24h usage (CPU spec says 72 max as far as I know), Ill check if in games they are similar. Moreover, Ill try lowering Vcore, because 1,312V under load might be even too high right now after pencil mod. I've noticed that 1,29V under load should be enough. Then heat would be a bit lower. Plus a new 120mm backside cooler should also help. Now I have it turned off, because its noise is killing me... Idle temp without the cooler -> 39-42 degree.

To sum up, thanks a lot for your kind help! I've reached 3,4Ghz which is good for 24h usage. Ill try to lower temps and that's all :) Love that mobo and love the CPU, they are great for fun OCing. What that mobo needs is Load Line Calibration, I'm surprised that GB haven't implemented that feature in some newer BIOS.

Maybe link to Vdroop tutorial for EP45-DS3R mobo:

EDIT/ When it comes to games, CPU heats only to ~50 degree so it's more than fine :)

nice :) happy days :)