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currently have a Dell with an overclocked E4500 @ 2.93ghz/1066fsb/2mb L2
I have a chance of getting a Q6600/2.4ghz/1066/4mb l2
for about $50 on craigslist

Now there is a possibiltiy that the Q6600 is not compatible with my Optiplex
745 though I have read and seen CPU-Z screenshots showing it working

assuming it does work

should I stay with the faster C2D or go slower C2Q

I do like to do light gaming (crysis 2,bioshock 2) but I also
like to multitask and encode video

so I am trouble deciding

I am planning on a new build in about 6 months or so

I was also thinking that getting a Q6600 for around $50 could lead
to a good profit when I build a new system

any opinions,insults,rants and raves is appreciated :)

I said NEW processors that are the equal to the 6600, give or take a percentage point or two.

An X4 630 is about the equal of the Q6600. It can be had for $79. X3 440 is also comparable, and can be had for $60.

On the intel side, there are several I3's in the $80-$110 range that are the equal of the Q6600. A little more expensive than the AMD chips, but still very affordable.


$50 for a C2Q?

thats a no brainer!

i had a q6600 until i did a stupid move and fried it. bought a E5300 that overclocked to 3.9 like a champ but srtill wanted better performance. just got an E8500 off of ebay for $100 and oc'd to 3.8. still, i think i might have done better with another Q6600 :(

I don't think its a no-brainer. Processors of the Q6600 quality are not a whole lot more than $50 these days. This isn't 2008. But if the poster has a 50 to toss at it, its worth the risk at that price point.



if you would be so kind as to share where $50 Q6600s are i would be forever grateful.

I said NEW processors that are the equal to the 6600, give or take a percentage point or two.

An X4 630 is about the equal of the Q6600. It can be had for $79. X3 440 is also comparable, and can be had for $60.

On the intel side, there are several I3's in the $80-$110 range that are the equal of the Q6600. A little more expensive than the AMD chips, but still very affordable.
remembering that a C2Q is really just two C2Ds together on same package
so at two threads my 3ghz C2D will beat the Q6600 since I cant OC :(
and some of the apps I use will take advantage of the 4 cores
but alot wont
that is my dilemma

I was just thinking of another option of using the $50 on a decent PSU on a good sale on Newegg
for future build
cant use it right now but stash it for future
might be able to catch a Corsair or Antec for a good price

and the seller is selling the Q6600 along with an older but good Asus 775 mobo that can overclock nice as a combo for about $100-120
I got a couple of junky cases I can throw that and everything else from my tower into
and then OC the crap out of the Q6600

but considering I want to build either a 1155 or AM3+ budget rig in six months
I dont know if I want to deal with that and take away budget from new build

thanks for the help so far


you just got Best Answer for that post

I was thinking of an Pentium G620 1155 build
and a G620 is not much more than $50
so getting the Q6600 doesnt make sense

you just made my decision for me

thank you




sorry my bad. i though the question pertained to a socket 775 platform, not any AMD or socket 1155/6. :p

Most people on a board like this have experienced that phenomenon at one time or another! :)
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