Q9550 @3.4GHz + GTX660 Bottleneck?


Nov 14, 2013
Current setup:
Q9550 @3.4ghz Core 2 quad
Gtx660 Gainward 2gb DDR5
3 x 2gb RAM DDR2 PC-6400
500W FSP 80+ PSU

I wonder if my CPU is bottlenecking my GPU ?(Vice versa)

I play games like battlefield 3 , 4 , DOTA 2 , Dying Light.

Battlefield 3 game works fine @ultra custom (others are high) around 50-60+ fps (depends on the map)

Battlefield 4 @high it's good and I can play it well, but I notice that my gpu usage is only around 60% , is there a problem here??

Dota 2 sometimes fps drops to 40 - 50 fps and i have to restart the game and it will return back to 70fps. What should I do? Should I upgrade my RAM to 8gb ?

Well, yes. There will be some bottleneck no doubt. You can add 2gb more ram and get some decent CPU cooler and overclock that q9550 as much as you can.

Start saving and get some H97+i5, difference will be night and day.
Well, yes. There will be some bottleneck no doubt. You can add 2gb more ram and get some decent CPU cooler and overclock that q9550 as much as you can.

Start saving and get some H97+i5, difference will be night and day.
A program like MSI afterburner will allow you to see real time what is being used. It depends on the game which one will be the bottleneck. Especially in a system with balanced GPU to CPU abilities.

Some games like dying light will now use 7GB of RAM, so you can now benefit from fitting 16GB on a system.