Qnix 2560x1440 monitor shutting down with 295x2


Jul 26, 2012

Some weeks ago, I picked up a Qnix monitor to game at 1440p. I had a dual monitor setup with the other monitor being a 1080p Asus at 144 mhz. At the time I had 2 7950's crossfired. Before I added the Qnix I had another 1080p monitor from Dell and never had any issues. When I replaced the Dell with the Qnix, the signal to my Asus got very wonky and started flashing and striping. I did some searching and followed the advice to shut of AMD overdrive and this seemed to fix things.

But, about a week ago, I picked up a XFX R9 295x2 after the price drop and again started having monitor problems. This time, I was only running the Qnix using a DVI connector but the monitor would randomly go black - turning it on and off did nothing; I would have to reboot the machine. I started to suspect the Qnix was causing problems in both situations so I swapped in my 144hz 1080p Asus and so far no issues.

Sorry for the windup - here's my question. Is it possible I need a lower AWG cable to handle the 1440p signal? In other words, is my Qnix somehow disrupting the video cards in both situations because the signal doesn't have enough bandwidth? Or, is the monitor simply not working properly? I'm beginning to suspect the latter but I've seen around the good ol' net that sometimes a lower AWG cable can help at high resolutions. Thanks in advance for the replies.
Thanks, Jas - so there's a new wrinkle. It seems Google Chrome might be causing the problems. And it seems it's not an uncommon problem. The proposed solution has been to turn off the hardware acceleration in the settings for the browser. We'll have to see if that does the trick. Would love for that to be the case. Both the card and monitor are too expensive to be crapping out on me, though it's surely possible.
Thats's the thing, Rob - after I installed the 295x2 I left my setup at just the one monitor which led me to investigate driver crashes. Chrome has been acting funny for a while such as prese ting a black screen when first opening it. I'll report back after a day of use whether disabling the hardware acceleration in Chrome worked.