OK, I got tired of reading the comments about halfway through, so now my 2 cents. For those of you that don't like the comedy articles, don't read them, you now know that they are clearly marked with a point and have a footnote, so stop complaining. As for the argument that the time spent writing these could be used to write or research an actual article, news flash, sometimes it is a slow day and a funny thought occurs to the writer, they just happen to save posting these until the weekend, where they mark the comedy articles so that you know they are not factual. And for those of you that think that they just plain aren't funny, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," the same is true of comedy, I think they're hysterical, but that's just me.
All that said, I guess my main point is, keep up the good work THG, I enjoy having my day brightened just a little bit by you guys, and to everyone else, if you don't like them, don't read them!
But if you do like them, then you're an awesome person with at least some sense of humor.