Q's about AP mode on router


May 9, 2017

I'm having problems. So I tested to see what AP mode wuld chang. Now I can't see my network. And router says thears no internet. But I can brows the internet. I also can see a bunch of other network divices that are not mine. Why ?

My neighbors are realy fare away. No brodcasting of wifi can be seen.
When you set it to AP mode you disable the router part of the device. It then becomes a switch with wireless radios.

The main function of the router in a home installation is to share the single IP address that a ISP provides between multiple machine.

Hard to say what is happening it greatly depends on how your ISP works. What you have in effect done is plug your pc into the modem. Depending on the ISP it varies a lot on what you can and can not see.
Well you may have too much stuff going on there that forum like this, with our short answer maybe able to help..

I said reset to factory, following your impossible scenario (for a detached dwelling), seeing others devices not your owns, to clear any phantoms.

But you are not providing any useful information, we rely on YOUR eyes, don't want to start guessing to throw darts blindfolded. For example, do devices go away when u turn off WIFI?

My first guess is AP mode has nothing to do with ur problem. Are you running VPN?

My second guess is, you are living in some apartment community and your Internet is shared with your neighbors and your landlord manages the whole thing. You have this kind of connection if Internet service is included in the rent. In which case you are stuck with what your Landlord can do for you, u can place a firewall box "in front of you" I hazard to guess.

Are u sure you are using your own WIFI and not the Community's WIFI?

I thou so too. hears a screan shot of my network list wen in AP mode:

This is my network in normale mode:

And as I was trying to state. My neighbors are to far away to evan receve or send a brodcast from each other.

I have ben trying to get my isp guy to come over so I can show hime the scren print and many other thaings. I thaink he was involved in a tragedy. He hasent billed me and I have ben calling him for over a mounth and a half.