Duckhunt :
Since NV owns icera now, I wonder if a victory would net them anything. Even if not it would certainly hurt Qcom's finances. EU seems to hand out Billion+ fines these days to any billion dollar company they target for taxation (LOL).
Well secret payments ( bribes) maybe ok for you but it is not good for competition and not good for the economy. What is next? targetted killings against the competition because you can't compete? It is funny how the so many champion the free market as long as it suits them.
Intel secretly paid computer manufacturers to buy only intel CPUs from Intel..
Intel made direct payments to computer manufacturers to stop or delay the launch of specific products containing a competitor's x86 CPUs and to limit the sales channels available to these products.
That maybe ok to happen in the USA with the Failed DOJ, failed other regulator agencies but its not ok in the EU.
I don't even understand your comment. The question is if the EU wins does is NV entitled to any of it since they own icera? I'm saying they should get their just rewards for being screwed by qcom. Voted down for that? LOL. You can read many of my posts in here about Intel screwing AMD and saying Intel should have been made to pay them $20-30B since they made $60B during the time it all happened. THAT would deter them from doing this crap again. They will continue to cheat with small slaps on the wrist that are FAR less than the profits they get from screwing the AMD's, Icera's etc. You apparently didn't understand my point.
Having said that, the EU is essentially taxing these companies. They don't pay a check to the company that gets screwed. They keep it themselves, which is why I said what I said about the EU. Their suits would mean a LOT more if they gave the money they took to the people who go SCREWED. If EU wins the case Nvidia should get money, but we all know that won't happen. That is the point. I'm hoping qcom gets screwed here, you happy now? But my problem with it is Icera (thus NV) won't see a dime of the ridiculously high fine EU would try to get for their own pockets.
Where in my post did it say I was ok with backroom tactics and bribes? Ridiculous. Exactly the opposite is true, but the problem is the money usually doesn't go where it should after the case is resolved.